Search results

  1. N

    Biazrre AdSense behavior

    Here's what's going on. I've got about 20 arbitrage pages up currently, all on different topics. They're all in the www.sitename.tld/topic-directory-here/ format. Until today, all of them have had well-targeted ads. Now, 5 of the pages (on completely unrelated topics) are all showing the same...
  2. N

    Useless Info: Froogle rotates 954 items on the front page

    Make of it what you will - Froogle is currently rotating exactly 954 unique items on the front page. It is most definitely *not* what people are currently searching for. I don't know how often it updates, but it's been the same 954 for the past day or so. Just thought I'd mention it, since a...
  3. N

    Monetizing free software?

    I'm looking for advice for monitizing free software... I'm a pretty good coder, and I've got a few ideas for small/giveaway programs that I think could do pretty well. Is there any money to be made bundling other software (say, a browser toolbar, just to pick a random possibility) with it? If...
  4. N

    Foreign proxies for AdSense testing?

    Does anybody know of any foreign proxies (or any other method) I can use to test what ads show on my arbitrage sites when the visitor is from another country? For example, I'd like to see what AdSense ads get shown to visitors from the UK. The only way I know of to do this would be to find a...
  5. N

    Worst product name ever?

    Anybody ever seen this before? One of the most unintentionally hilarious videos I've ever watched. I guess this is a really famous example of marketing gone awry, but I'd never come across it before today - I suspect a lot of other under-30 people haven't heard of it either...
  6. N

    Manipulation of Google AdWords content cost

    This just occurred to me... Say you're an advertiser with AdWords. You're paying a lot of money for ads on the content network. Your money is going mostly to a few sites, which you manage to identify. What's to keep you from signing up for google's conversion data, and artifically making the...
  7. N

    Referral credit for Yahoo or MSN?

    Is it possible to get any sort of payback from Yahoo or MSN for referring people to them? I have a friend starting in Internet marketing, so he's signing up with both of the engines, but I can't find any information on referral links. Thanks
  8. N

    Google condones AdWords->AdSense arbitrage?

    In this case study, Google is bragging that one of their advertisers is using AdSense to more than cover his AdWords advertising costs: It's not *true* arbitrage, as he's actually selling products as well, but it does seem to be a sort of implicit...
  9. N

    How to Track Arbitrage Traffic Sources with AdSense

    NOTE: Before you read this, please look into the "URL Channels" option in AdSense. Kyleirwin brought it up further down in the thread (give him some +rep), and it's a much smarter way of doing it. So, everybody knows that Yahoo is the way to go for arbitrage, but for those of us still stuck...
  10. N

    New AdWords keywords very expensive

    So, I've heard this mentioned before, but I've read conflicting info about it. Hopefully, somebody knows the answer. Sometimes when you set up a new ad campaign, all of the keywords cost like $10/click. Why is that? Does it go away? If so, how much do you have to spend before that happens? Thanks!
  11. N

    A marketing site run by the whole forum

    Ok - I think this would be unbelievably cool, instructive, and useful for all the people here. The idea is that the whole forum has a say in creating some site designed to make money. It could be arbitrage, niche, affiliate marketing, whatever people decide. Then everybody decides how to design...
  12. N

    How many affiliate conversions before you push for special treatment?

    I'm working with two low-paying affiliate offers and doing fairly well with them (well, for me, at least). The first one pays approx. $1.00. I can get, at the very least, 50 conversions a day. I'm guessing it would average out to 1,800+ conversions per month. The other offer pays approx. $1.50...
  13. N

    Niche Marketing vs. PPC Arbitrage

    Ok - I think some of the less experienced folks may be a bit confused with the difference between niche marketing and PPC arbitrage. It seems like the two are a little interchangable, so it's not always clear what you should be doing for which. I'll try to sum it up as best I can, and then list...
  14. N

    Tip for avoiding invalid AdSense clicks

    When setting up one of my sites, I accidentally clicked on one of the ads. I wrote to Google to let them know about it, and they told me about this little gem: google_adtest='on'; Insert that into your Adsense script section and you won't record any clicks or impressions. If you know about...
  15. N

    Screwed by Commission Junction

    So, a few weeks ago, I found a nice new offer on CJ that was converting well for me, and I was making some money at it via PPC search. It was converting at a little under 20%. That runs for a few days, everything's good. I start ramping up my searches, feeding it more traffic. Everything's...
  16. N

    Anybody want to review my site?

    So, this is my first attempt at an Adsense site - I picked a poor niche for my first try. Too much competition, not enough traffic, and the keywords don't pay as well as google indicates (google keyword tool shows $10+, but clicks are only paying me like $0.25 each). Regardless, please take a...
  17. N

    Anybody have a phone number for Commission Junction?

    I have a few questions for Commission Junction that would be much easier to ask on the phone rather than e-mail. Is it possible to actually talk to a rep there?
  18. N

    The Newbie Glossary

    I think a lot of newbies are confused by some of the terms here, so this post is to clear up some of that confusion. Please suggest new terms or let me know if my definitions are confusing or wrong. AdSense - Google's contextual ad product. You can show ads served by Google on your website. If...
  19. N

    How do I get started?

    I'm suffering from a problem I think a lot of others are having also - being completely overwhelmed by the huge amount of information and number of options available. So, for my sake, and hopefully many others' as well, what are people's opinions on how to get off the ground? General advice...
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    Per-search-engine conversion rates for PPC ads

    Does anybody have any numbers (or know where they could be found) that show the relative quality of leads coming from various search engines? That is, if I pay for a click from Google, will it, in general, convert better than one from MSN? Or Yahoo? What about the second tier engines like...