Search results

  1. H

    My First Informal C&D!

    I think I handled it in a good way. The guy's site is literally the only content-driven competition worth anything. The problem is that the site looks like something from Geocities in 2003. I'm still looking to dominate the niche, as it's a pretty good one. Interested to see how this plays out...
  2. H

    Vistaprint - Physical Proofs

    Anyone have experience with the ability to get a physical proof through Vistaprint, instead of a crappy PDF and a barrage of spam emails and phone calls? On a related note, are there any cost-efficient competitors? Thanks.
  3. H

    Holy christ how do I fix this?

    A Wordpress site for one of my clients is no longer allowing me to login from http://www.[site].com/wp-login.php. At the top of the page is the following: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at...
  4. H

    ANOTHER plane crash.

    TransAsia Airways crashes in Taiwan, at least 40 dead
  5. H

    If a client wanted me to rank 50 blogs for the same keyword...

    ...and that keyword was a person's name, what would you suggest the best method of getting those blogs ranked would be? What would you charge? Looking to potentially outsource this.
  6. H

    Anybody have a hookup for a print shop?

    I've got a business idea, and I'm shopping around for printing prices. I'll need 50,000 pieces every three months, so the pricing is a bit heavy. Anyone know any online or local-to-you print shops (in the US) that can offer a sweet deal? Thanks.
  7. H


    Forget planking/coning/Tebowing/etc...
  8. H

    Buying a condo -> Turning it into a timeshare?

    I've been lightly researching the possibility of this. Find a beachside condominium in a highly touristed area, take out a mortgage to get it. Advertise like crazy and turn it into a timeshare. Was debating doing this in Daytona Beach in the next five years or so. Ran a little scenario, and...
  9. H

    I wish I went to a nicer college.

  10. H

    Hyperhidrosis is hell on earth

    No joke. It's bad. I've got it in the armpits. Five minutes after putting on a shirt, I've sweat through the thing, and have a sweat stain the size of an iPhone under each arm. It's worse in the winter than in the summer, strangely. Also, for some reason, when I work out for 90 minutes, the...
  11. H

    I'm All For SOPA/PIPA...

    Here is thr actual information behind the bill. PIPA The bill provides for "enhancing enforcement against rogue websites operated and registered overseas" and authorizes the United States Department of Justice to seek a court order in rem against websites dedicated to infringing activities, if...
  12. H

    Ask a guy whose campus is on lockdown anything

    Armed robbery on finals week. Cool.
  13. H

    Legit Simple Life Tips

    Take them or leave them, gay webmaster forum. Rub walnuts over furniture scratches to hide scrapes and crap. Put sheets inside one of the pillowcases to eliminate searching and loss. Stick your MP3 player in a bowl to amplify it. Baby powder takes off sand (for the beach). Turn bread tags into...
  14. H

    Another shooting at Virginia Tech...

    Va. Tech: Cop, 1 other killed; Gunman sought - CBS News Right now there are two victims, one of them a police officer.
  15. H

    Here's the scenario (tipping related)

    Here's the scenario: 1) You went to a fancy restaurant and ended up with a bill of $250. Your server was excellent, service was great, and prompt. How much do you tip? 2) You went to the same fancy restaurant, and got the same bill. Service sucked, the waitress screwed up six times, and it...
  16. H

    Native Americans/What would you do with $80,000?

    On December 1st, each and every enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians received over $4,000 for their "per capita income". No catch, just for being an enrolled member. That's eight grand for being Native American/EBCI. Per year. I raged when I found this out. Then I found this...
  17. H


    ------╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ------╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝------
  18. H

    Do people still hire people to write intermittent blog posts to their site?

    That'd be nice. I like to write, dammit.
  19. H

    Let's Discuss Aging

    My great-grandmother died this morning at age 100. She lived through worlds of changes. Heck, the woman was two when the Titanic went down. She lived through World War I, and turned 18 the same year as the Great Depression. She used to tell stories about horses and buggies, yet drove until she...
  20. H

    Applying to the affiliate network for the place I work. Conflict of interest?

    I work at a Caesar's Entertainment property. I just signed up through Impact Radius for their affiliate network. If accepted, would working with them be a conflict of interest at all? Thanks!