Search results

  1. J

    How Do I Backup My Site

    I'm using a Linux Vserver hosting provider which had to recover my site from a hard drive failure. I almost lost the site! I am using phpMyBackupPro to backup the database every six hours and it is working great. But how can I backup the entire site completely? The entire ubuntu system image is...
  2. J

    Is this a good idea for a website?

    I want to setup a site where people can view the full versions of a tv show online. But I'm too cheap to spend the 10$ on a domain name. Should I just go with a free hosting site? Or what? Also does anyone know which video websites allow private videos, meaning that they can't be viewed in the...
  3. J

    Girl Flatulence And Google Video Recommendations

    I had no idea I was interested in sexy girls farting or that even such a video genre existed, until google video recommended them to me.
  4. J

    Free/open-source video editor with logo remover?

    I am thinking of doing this. Am I doing it the right way, taking other sites videos and every 5 or so of their videos, I insert mine?
  5. J

    lol, Buy Bone Cancer At

    Funny and sad stuff I discovered. Googling for 'bone cancer tcm' brought up this findarticles page as the first result: "Bob Flaws" on Find Articles Here is the ad on that page: Bone Cancer - Buy at! Save time and money every time you shop! DealTime lets you compare products...
  6. J

    The Cunt Family

    Someone took what seems to be a Dolmio sauce commercial and overdubbed it. You will be crying and bellyaching after seeing this video :laughing-smiley-007 YouTube - The Cunt Family
  7. J

    P 0 r n Videos on google video

    search for فيلم سكس or azn. They are using foreign language words and the english words, if any, are mostly tame. This does work on youtube, but their moderating system is more robust. فيلم سكس Isn't arab porn great!