Search results

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    sitescout cloaker

    can anyone that has info regarding where to buy a cloaker for sitescout please pm me about it? I appreciate it.
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    The real version of the most interesting man alive

    was hanging with a friend for the fourth yesterday and we started talking crazy science stuff and he started talking about one of his dad's business partners. This dude is the real version of the dos equis most interesting man in the world! Craig Venter...
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    [WTB] Long Content That Can Still Sell

    Hi all you writers. I'm looking for someone that can write a longer piece (1k-1.5k words) that can be informative on the product/process to keep the googles happy but still sell the reader on something. If you are a really a copy/sales writer that is english speaking country based and is not...
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    Harvard President on Winklevoss meeting, lol.

    just saw this quote when he was asked about his real meeting with the twins depicted in the movie. "One of the things you learn as a college president is that if an undergraduate is wearing a tie and jacket on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock, there are two possibilities. One is that they're...
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    wordpress post problem

    hey everybody, I need some wordpress help because I'm a retard. I've always done my sites in the structure main post on front that stays there then a bunch of pages. I read somewhere this could be wrong and my sites are messed up anyways so I just tested a couple switching everything over to...
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    Damn, craziest nyc subway nutjob video yet...

    Didn't bother to look for a source with embedding but this shit is crazy. Berserk Naked Racist Wig-Out Marks Another Day on the NYC Subways
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    who can like and tweet a direct website?

    I want websites to get facebook likes and tweets for the site itself, not the account or facebook page. please shoot me a pm if you can do this, thanks a bunch.
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    SEO and Social Media Newb Question

    Ok all, so I am one of the few people that doesn't really use facebook or twitter or anything at all so I am completely in the dark when it comes to a lot of this stuff. I have been reading that SEs are starting to take social media into consideration when formulating serps and I want to be...
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    legality of farticle landers?

    hey all, quick question. I don't really do ppc but had a question about all the farticles I see as I was thinking about trying. Are these pages still allowed under the new FTC laws in any shape with advertorial on top and disclosures at bottom or are they just so fake now that they are...
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    stupid newbie scrapebox question

    ok all, I have a retarded scrapebox question as the title says. I mainly buy lists because I'm lazy but I decided to go scraping again last night. had a whole grip of keywords from a script i have that stores google trends found blogs got rid of duplicate urls and domains left me with about...
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    Scrapebox Automation

    I was just posting to see if anyone sells scrapebox automation tools. I know nothing about automationing so if you sell such things or can build please hit me up with a price or quote. I really appreciate it.
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    adwords farticles?

    I haven't done ppc in a while after google became a pain but I just noticed that I still see news landers in google. Tried a page and got site policy dissaproval. Are people doing some sort of cloaking for googles? I know I probably wont get an answer from anyone that knows but hey, thats...
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    moving from small sites to a big site, questions.

    hey everyone Basically, I've spent my time doing small sites that are focused around one or two offers that have demand and rank those pages for dollar dollar bills yall. I've realized that this may not be the best use of my time, all the time, so I've decided to start doing bigger sites that...
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    good network with seen on tv offers

    hey all, just wanted to see if anyone had a good recommendation for networks selling all the as seen on tv exercise crap. I have a few sites pushing that junk and just got front page for one I was waiting on today...just as the network shut down all the offers. I checked the as seen on tv...
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    good article on sales words

    hey all, I came across this article last night and gave what it said a go. It is an article on common sales words to use in copy and why they motivate the reader to buy. So I decided to give it a shot. I threw in a new first paragraph to one of my sites using the sales words and motives...
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    Don't know automation, need a tool built for me.

    i'm looking to get an indexing tool built. I will need it to be able to take a list of properties that I give it and for each one, in a new tab, go to a website and enter two fields of text (the other one can be from a text file also) and do a number selector and then hit the submit. I just...
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    Question for any adult webmasters

    hey, I just have a quick question for any people that are or have been webmasters for adult sites/models. I have a friend who does cam stuff that is in the planning stages of putting up a pay site for herself. pics, videos, usual. she hit me up today saying some shit about her lawyer and all...
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    just got windows - program advice please.

    Hey whats going on everyone. I finally got my stoned ass to the store and grabbed a copy of windows to run on one of my macs so I could start looking into getting things automated and run a few programs. Since I've only had macs I never really looked into the software side of IM before so I...
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    need header designer

    Hi, I need someone that can design good looking headers. please hit me up with a portfolio if you have one and rates.
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    wtb: short articles/posts in spin syntax

    hi all. looking for writers that can do short article and blog style posts but make them deeply spinable with lots of variation. if you are familiar with writing in this style please pm me rates. thank you.