Search results

  1. F

    Oh Tsk Tsk. It's a loss, deal with it.

    So isn't this kind of illegal to do? Let me hear your opinions. There was a particular campaign that I brought in loads of legitimate leads for, none really converted. However. I can't help that none converted for that particular campaign. It's beyond my control what the leads I bring in, do...
  2. F

    Suggestions of companies that don't mind incentivized promotion?

    I'm looking for companies that have a good assortment of advertisers that don't mind incentivized promotion, so if you have any suggestions of some that would be great. I have compiled a list of some but I want to hear all of your input on one's that you may have already had success with.
  3. F

    New here, I see a lot of interesting discussions.

    Just surfing around the forum and seeing a lot of interesting discussions. I'll probably be in and out a lot but I do see myself coming back for quite a while & i'm one that's entertained fairly easily, so. I'm an internet marketer so if anyone's looking for some means to make money online feel...
  4. F

    Make an introduction forum..?

    I'm sure this has been proposed before and I may just be missing one but an Introductions forum would be quite helpful so I can well, Introduce myself to the community. :D