Search results

  1. LMSInc.

    Need advice/opinions/thoughts on this

    I have a potential client I've been talking to and it's the first client that I am just generally 'lost' with when it comes to ideas and shit. They sell a physical product via internet/phone orders. The product is something that would be used more or less by people brainstorming on projects...
  2. LMSInc.

    Mac Users: How do you keep secure and private?

    Being a PC guy for nearly 2 decades, I got accustomed to the shortfalls of Windows systems in regards to privacy and security, and thus, eventually the steps necessary to secure my shit. Now that I made the switch to a Mac full-time (and regret not doing so much sooner), I am at a loss. The...
  3. LMSInc.

    Anyone here have any experience with Fed prison?

    I only ask because while there is a good chance none of our members do, maybe they know someone that does. I've been stressing like a motherfucker lately about this shit, and it would be nice to get some first-hand advice, or, well, fuck... Just talk about this shit. One of my closest friends...
  4. LMSInc.

    Weird question: paid news articles?

    I know I can take a shot at press releases here and see if any happen to get picked up... As a numbers game, I'm sure if I tried hard enough and long enough, eventually a few would, but before I do that, I wanted to look into paid news articles. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? It...
  5. LMSInc.

    How all of us gay webmasters dance when we get that affiliate monies!

    Fat Indian Kid dancing to 'Teach me how to Dougie' - YouTube (worth watching past the 30 second mark)
  6. LMSInc.

    Any lawyers/similar want to help me figure this out?

    So I've gone from strictly online shit to a mix of online and offline shit. Due to this, I have been doing a lot more personal contact with people, which is fine, but kind of weirds me out. Clients and people you don't care about outside of work sending me Facebook request after Facebook...
  7. LMSInc.


    Rick Perry - Strong - YouTube
  8. LMSInc. shut down - Anyone have any insight here?

    I was told 15 minutes ago that Craigslists Canada site was shut down. I've looked around as much as I can for news on this, and the few articles I do find are pretty bland. You can see the notice here: craigslist | about > domain tou violation I've read the notice half a dozen times now, and...
  9. LMSInc.

    Drinkers: Let's discuss alcohol

    So I've been a drinker off and on since my teens, usually drinking to get drunk, and doing very well at it. Shitty beer, shitty hard alcohol, and shitty mixed drinks. Lately, I've been really put-off by getting smashed. After I woke up missing a front tooth (not a joke abou the hangover, this...
  10. LMSInc.

    Fuck ACN phones!!!

    So a client of mine had these boxes sitting next to his front door for awhile, and I finally asked him about them. Now, let me say that I have been obsessed with the idea of getting a VoIP phone lately after using a top-notch Cisco one for a little bit at an office. My budget hasn't allowed...
  11. LMSInc.

    Sign this fucking petition!/petition/amend-constitution-making-internet-unalienable-right/YJ3fXQcm
  12. LMSInc.

    Any of you fuckers do offline stuff??

    I've dabbled with some one-on-one shit here and there for offline businesses, but it isn't my strongest field. Long story short, a super close family friend has been in the automotive biz for fucking decades, and he made a bad biz decision 2 years ago and lost a lot of his shit to a shady ass...
  13. LMSInc.

    Anyone awake who knows their VPS shit??

    So I got sick and fucking tired of my slow shared Hostgator account, and finally took the plunge into a full blown VPS package. I went with ThrustVPS. I got the biggest VPS package they offered, but I didn't really think it through... I have no fucking idea how to set this shit up. I have had...
  14. LMSInc.

    Pool service owner is a bag of dicks...

    I saw this on Reddit, and it got to me... From the video description: "Due to improper service, yellow algae developed in my pool. I received an estimate to eradicate it via e-mail that was out of line with the prices for chemicals to eliminate the algae--$90.00. When I contacted the company...
  15. LMSInc.

    Fuck, fake reviews will get much harder to get away with...

    Software picks out fake online reviews Looks like it's still in its infancy, but I guess it's only a matter of time until it is rolled out into larger sections of the web... Wonder if G will adopt something like this for Places? That would make my business a little harder.
  16. LMSInc.

    Cut vs. Uncut

    All the talk about cock, I just couldn't help myself. :)
  17. LMSInc.

    Anyone have any legal/ethical input on this idea?

    I got an idea for a site which would essentially scrape and index forum posts and display then in search results, but formatted within the site, with a link back to the source of the content. Without giving away my idea, let's pretend I wanted to create an auto repair website which would scrape...
  18. LMSInc.

    Need some software/service suggestions

    I am trying to re-vamp an automotive business that belongs to a friend, and the invoice system he uses is shit. I need something that is easy to use, and will basically allow a custom form to be filled out (name, phone, address, email, etc) by the kid that runs the front desk. The place rents...
  19. LMSInc.

    I need some help with managing all my shit...

    Alright, so I've been doing a lot of offline shit as of late for local clients. I helped a friends dad out and built him a website, then when I went to collect the (small) fee I charged him, we ended up getting into a 2 hour conversation about his business. Long story short, I am now handling...
  20. LMSInc.

    Can I get some quick sales tips...?

    Ok, so here's the deal... A few months back I regged a few service related local domains ( etc) 2 of them are on the first page for the term with no content and no work. I am going to develop them and try to sell them to make some quick cash that I could REALLY fucking use...