Search results

  1. Zos0r

    Formatting issue exporting to CSV

    Hey guys, I'm trying to build a site based on a datafeed that is in CSV format. My problem is, I need the format to be such that: 1. fields should be terminated by commas ( , ), enclosed with quotation marks ( " ), and escaped with backslashes ( \ ) I'm using Excel for mac and when I save the...
  2. Zos0r

    Datafeed Question

    Hey guys, I need a "quick" solution to this problem. I've got a product that I own and I'm sending traffic to. I own the brand name so the SERP results for "SUPER WIDGETS" are wide open, with the exception of my site and the backlinks that I've built. I need more credibility indicators in the...
  3. Zos0r

    What kind of hosting would I need?

    If I'm sending traffic to an ecommerce site and plan on scaling my traffic, what factors do I need to consider when looking for a host? SQL queries? Hits per hour? Liquid web rep said that the "density of the traffic" would be an important thing to consider. Also, somewhat unrelated, but how...
  4. Zos0r

    Outsourcing predictions?

    I haven't much research on the subject, but I assumed since many WF members rely on outsourcing that it might be a relevant topic. My question is this: What do you guys think the future of outsourcing will be? Do you believe that the politicians will put an end to using cheaper virtual labor...
  5. Zos0r

    If You Had To Get A Job?

    I thought I might ask this on behalf of those of us who don't have enough to do their own thing yet. Let's say you just needed the cash flow to float yourself, what kind of job would you get if you had to? Better yet, what were some of the more tolerable jobs you guys held? I know the...
  6. Zos0r


    I know I know...the header sux balls. I kind of like the idea tho... OMF
  7. Zos0r

    Selling IM/SEO

    So I recently signed a contract with a small firm in a sales position. I'll be in charge of the whole sales process from beginning to closing the deal, while these guys service the clients (hehe service...) Anyhoo, I'm doing a fair amount of prospecting/data mining to find good candidates for...
  8. Zos0r

    Juggling multiple girls on FB?

    Ok so I'm a low down dirty bastard and am currently railing two girls who happen to be friends on my fb. It's only a matter of time until they figure out what's going on (girls love to stake their claim by posting shit on your wall obsessively). What to do? I don't really want to delete my...
  9. Zos0r

    Analytics Reporting Paid VS Organic?

    I'm pushing paid traffic to my site but Google Analytics is reporting these clicks as organic search hits (I'm running everything through Prosper202). My question is this: how do I setup tracking on my sites to effectively tell the difference between paid and search traffic? Thanks Z
  10. Zos0r

    Loss Leader PPC Strategy and Cash Flow Management

    I have 2 questions for anyone willing to answer them... 1. Do big PPC players utilize a loss leader sort of strategy in PPC, whereby they loss a shit ton of money on expensive clicks before they taper down bids? I've read about strategies where you bid on a ton of keywords and then optimize...
  11. Zos0r

    Lead Capture Page Question

    I'm trying to build simple lead capture pages and this page has been helpful for the basic html: HTML Tutorial - Forms However, I'm trying to figure out how to manage the data. For example, I'd like to store the information in an easily accessible file AND have the information sent to an email...
  12. Zos0r

    Is Yahoo Content Match shit traffic?

    So far I've gotten mostly parked page/MFA clicks...
  13. Zos0r

    PPC Question About Bids

    I have a question for you guys: I built out a landing page/review site for a niche I know is quite profitable for some guys. The commissions range from $15 up to $130. According to some of the more popular spy tools, the guys killing it in this niche are sending anywhere between $1000-5000 a...