Search results

  1. J

    Does ClickBank let you pick or reject affiliates?

    I am planning to sign up to Clickbank as a vendor to promote my online subscription tool targeted at SEO agencies. But I would like to pick and choose affiliates based on their credibility and not allow everyone to promote my product. Is this feature available on Clickbank? I have been...
  2. J

    [eBook] Little Known Secret to build backlinks

    Here is an ebook that will teach you one little secret to build highly targeted backlinks which even the best of IM gurus have not yet deciphered. This is a 10 page ebook and I am yet to decide the price of the same. However the first few copies are free.
  3. J

    ATTENTION - Multi-niche webmasters

    Dear All I am on the lookout for webmasters who can partner with us on a win-win experiment which, at the end of the 30 day partnership can get you quite a lot of backlinks, traffic and possibly even sales. These shall not be empty promises and I shall take you through the exact procedure of...
  4. J

    More People Searching for long tail keywords

    I am not exactly sure why people are doing this, maybe it is because with excessive SEO of shorter,more competitive keywords and so people are no longer finding what they want with shorter keywords. One word : 24.32% (0%) Two words : 23.55% (-1%) Three words : 20.52% (-1%) Four words : 13.69%...