Search results

  1. R

    Proper way to split test

    I'm split testing my ad placement, and I see two trains of thought: 1. Place ad in position 1 for a month. Check ad in position 2 for another month. Compare. 2. Randomize ad position (50% position 1, 50% position 2) For choice 1, you're affected by seasonal irregularities. For choice 2, you...
  2. R

    Use arbi to test before Aff.

    How do you use arbi to test whether or not an affiliate campaign will be worth it? Are you checking keyword prices? Sample conversion rate before you go big?
  3. R

    How do you guys track your campaigns?

    For each niche, I'm tracking it with Revenue, Cost from Adwords/7Search/Adcenter, and I have a ROI column, along with the Template I used. But, I've also heard that it's better to track $$ per click instead of ROI How do you guys organize your campaign tracking?
  4. R

    Google Channel ID

    What's the easiest way to get the google adsense channel ID? Right now, I have to go to create->click add for channels->look at the output There has to be a more elegant way -_-