Search results

  1. joshman1204

    Getting ripped and Paleo eating

    I am in pretty decent shape but I want to be totally fucking ripped. I know I probably wont put in the work to sustain that kind of body but I want to do it once just to say I did. Problem is I hate eating pretty much all vegetables and fruits. I have heard of paleo diets but dont know much...
  2. joshman1204

    Yahoo needs to proof read their shit!

    Saw this when I was browsing on my phone earlier today.
  3. joshman1204

    Atlas Shrugged

    Anyone here read this? A friend of mine suggested it as we were arguing the current state of the economy/government. I picked it up yesterday and so far it seems pretty decent.
  4. joshman1204

    Star Wars old Republic

    I just bought the digital copy and am waiting on all 20+gig of patches to download. anyone else here playing?
  5. joshman1204

    So this is what dial up feels like

    I just moved into a new house and somehow my internet order was misunderstood. I ordered 107mb but i received a 1.5mb connection. I was previously on Uverse 24mb and going from 24 down to 1.5 reminds of the first time I went from dial up to ISDN. I hope like hell this all gets straightened out...
  6. joshman1204

    Registration Fee

    Not that I dont get a lot of enjoyment out of dick rolling all of the people asking stupid questions all day but the spam seems to be getting out of control around here. Short of making this a paid forum why not just add a fee to register a new account. It doesnt have to be much just a couple...
  7. joshman1204

    Time to upgrade

    Well it is finally time for me to bite the bullet and upgrade from the old faithful windows XP. Problem is I have no clue about windows 7 or what version I need. I am pretty sure I want to go with a 64bit version but am clueless other than that. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. joshman1204

    Why cant I send PM's

    I am sure there is a reason and probably even a sticky somewhere that answers this question but I cannot figure out why I cannot send a PM to anyone. I am trying to get some stuff from the BST forums and I cannot send anyone a PM. Thanks