Search results

  1. KGL

    Need a DDOS Attack

    I need someone to DDOS a site for me. Will pay.
  2. KGL

    Dennis Yu = New Zac Johnson

    He just pulled a Zac Johnson on a massive scale w/ his TechCrunch article. Outed all kinds of sh!t to the general public. Dude has got everyone on his sack. He is gonna hurt a lot of peoples income. And he will most likely get away w/ it unscathed. Why is that? [NOTE: Before you come...
  3. KGL

    UPDATE YOUR LP'S! Gary Vaynerchuk Loves The Snuggie!

    Gary Vay.ner.chuk was on Fox News this morning rockin' a Snuggie. Oprah and Rachael Ray for Acai, Gary for Snuggie. Get those ads and LP's updated and go get 'em! :updown: HaHaHaHa!
  4. KGL

    Sick of Digitalpoint? Come on over to WickedFire. We Love You Long Time.

    This is Classic site-targeting. You're naughty boy, Jon.
  5. KGL

    Azoogle is Getting Sh!t on Left and Right

    Got this email this morning; Nice little jab at Azoogle in there. Been rockin' with Peteo and the homies at Rocketprofit for a minute, good peoples over there.
  6. KGL

    Re-directs killing affiliate links?

    I do alot of mailing, all double opt-in. I use .php redirects to clean up my links. I switched to .php from meta redirects just recently and have been noticing my conversions, or lack there of, are not right, as in, not converting like they should be. I'm getting a whole lot of clicks, very...
  7. KGL

    I wanna signup for Maxbounty.....

    someone give me a referral link.