Search results

  1. edesigner008

    What you need to make your site cash rich?

    Hi, I would like to know how can a website become a money making machine? I have researched a lot and found these factors responsible for making a site cash rich: • A good sales pitch in content, • Eye catchy graphics • Site getting high ranking in search engines • A site where pages are...
  2. edesigner008

    Should squeeze pages have graphics on them?

    Hi, I have been designing squeeze pages or name capture pages for my clients. Many clients demand that graphics on squeeze pages bring better visitor-to-subscriber rates. Header, footer and cool opt-in box create an impressive page and generate confidence to subscribe. There...
  3. edesigner008

    What to check for Flash banner designer?

    What do you look for while searching designer for your flash ads? Here are some points which I have found very relevant: Experience of banner designing in Adobe Flash Designer’s portfolio Customized sizes of flash banners Creative approach Output delivery format...