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  1. G

    Dirt Cheap Landing Page

    I`m selling this muscle building supplement reviews landing page. SEO optimized, valid xhtml/css, clean code with every section commented. Crossbrowser compatible including the shitty IE6. Clean, layered PSD included. Full Rights. Never sold before, will only be sold just once. CLICK HERE FOR...
  2. G

    Wordpress Web Site + Content + Strong On Pages SEO + Social Bookmarking

    I`m currently getting through a nasty period of my life (I'm Broke) so I`m offering my services dirt cheap. Don't have much experience on writing sales pages so here's what I offer: If you have any dormant domain names and want to put them to work but don't have enough time this is your chance...
  3. G

    Health Related Website for Affiliates

    I`m selling this website because I need some fast money. It is a health related website. It has a few visitors a day (3-4). All the content is unique. The site is running on wordpress and it is registered at namecheap. Health Diet Product Reviews, Articles and Information I`m looking for a...
  4. G

    Web 2.0 Wordpress Health Review Landing Page - Easy to use just add content

    Hi there, I`m selling here a quality Wordpress based health review landing page. You can use it for any kind off health offers like colon, acai, anti-aging etc. This high quality, seo optimized LP, will boost your QS. Add the proper content and the only things that you'll focus on will be just...
  5. G

    Reimproving Quality Score

    I'm kinda new in AM so i have been struggling to finish my LP for a cleansing offer, started an adwords campaign with 200 kw and got for most of them a QS of 7 and for some 10. Left it 2 days, got like 50 clicks and 2 conv. and then BAM. QS got to 3, 4 for most of the kw and for some even 2. In...
  6. G

    Twitter DoFollow

    I`ve noticed that twitter for mobile has dofollow links. Is this new or is it old and i didn't notice it since yesterday ?
  7. G

    Leads/Email submit landing pages

    Hi there, I`m new on WF and in AM in general. I read all I can from the forum and I have a question. I know that for a product I can create a landing page to pre-sell or a review page, but for leads or email submits how do I create a landing page ? I mean if I don't want to direct link to the...