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  1. coolplay

    Michael Jordan to Jay Leno:" Are you stupid?"

    Michael Jordan on Jay Leno show via satellite "10 questions" About 3:25 into the video, Jay: Can you still dunk? MJ: Can I still dunk? (pissed off face...) Are you stupid? LMAO! Leno tried to laugh it off but you can see embarrassment in his face.:moon:
  2. coolplay

    Oprah Sues Jesse David Williams - News Video!

    Oprah Sues Jesse David Willms - News Video! Holy Shit! The journalist even went to knock on the door of Jesse Willms's house. See the video for yourself. Oprah sues Alberta entrepreneur - AOL Video
  3. coolplay

    Aged Obama? Interesting Ad.

    Greenpeace ages world leaders in head-turning ad campaign Interesting shit reminds me of some grant offer ads. Looks like affiliates are not the only peeps who spam with obama images. Environmental activists do that too!