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  1. F

    Calling all NYC Ad-Tech Homies

    Please excuse me if this has been posted elsewhere. Who's gonna be there and who wants to meet? :playboy_sml:
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    Will Purchase Debt Traffic

    There's a lot of shit going down in the debt space now with new regulation and laws. I wanted to put word out that I am looking to purchase debt leads for my call centers or have IM's run traffic to my landers. Please PM me if interested.
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    AdTech San Francisco

    Who's gonna be there? :playboy_sml:
  4. F

    Open Question Section

    Alright N00bz: I am Flashfire and I am an internet marketing 25 year old with monthly revenue in my niche exceeding 60k. I have been around in WickedFire for 4 years as this is a 2nd account. Since returning from Leads Con Vegas I feel generous to open myself up to questions for all n00bz with...
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    Leads Con Vegas

    If you were there and we popped bottles together, it was a pleasure. If not; meet me at Rhinos' next time for some crazy ass internet marketing monies splurging. :playboy_sml:
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    Buy Buzzle Accounts

    Who's got em? Send me a PM. :321:
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    I will buy your insurance/debt traffic

    I'm in the market for insurance and debt traffic. Shoot me a PM if you are currently generating. Gracias :eek:
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    Why did you get into affiliate marketing in the first place?

    I wanted to start a thread about what drives one to enter the affiliate marketing universe. It is a very unique business niche; meaning it is not taught in any classroom and many of the trade secrets are closely held to the chest. I studied Economics and Statistics in business college. I was a...
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    Offshore Web Design

    Any ideas on a good place to find an offshore web designer?
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    Forex Affiliate Programs

    Has anyone had any significant success with forex affiliate programs? I have considered promoting one via article marketing and redirects but wanted to see what everyone's thoughts and experiences with them were. Thoughts?:glowingeyes_sml: