Search results

  1. BeerHat

    [WTB] Scrape and covert to wordpress upload

    I need someone who can scrape various sites-content and source files and convert them to a wordpress upload xml file and be category specific, etc. ..
  2. BeerHat

    Controlling Post Workout Hunger

    Anyone else have some insane hunger pangs post workout and the day after? It's tough staying the nutritional course when you're fucking starving. What do you guys do or eat to control your hunger in situations like this?
  3. BeerHat

    Adserver Startup Time

    What is the average time needed to get a campaign going via adserver once you have the landing pages ready and banners all sent?
  4. BeerHat

    World Cup Spain v Holland

    Spain will take it. What do you think?
  5. BeerHat

    Anyone Have a Contact at Video Professor?

    I've emailed, called, etc... with no response, I'm trying to get paid.
  6. BeerHat

    [WTB] Forum posts

    I've got a new forum I want to launch and want to add some users/content. Let me know if anyone is interested and what your rates are for posting. The forum deals with small business.
  7. BeerHat

    Need Help+Advice on a Local Client

    Ok, so this guy is really interested in what I have to offer, the whole SEO and PPC deal, and this one even includes website update and such, so I'll be pretty much running the site and marketing it. This would be a nice monthly figure every month. However, before he signs off on the proposal...
  8. BeerHat

    [WTB] Need Ebook Writer

    I'm looking for someone who's first language is English, and who writes well regardless. For this project, I'm looking most of all for high quality. Some research will be required as it is a bit of a specialized field. Also, must be reliable. Project will be in the range of 5-7k words.
  9. BeerHat

    Need Someone With Brick and Mortar Small Business

    I'm developing a new service geared toward small businesses. I'm in need of some real world testimonials and will provide you with this free service in exchange. I'm going to be honest, it won't be of much real help to most people here since most people here know how to market online. Who knows...
  10. BeerHat

    Looking for a WP Plugin

    I recall seeing a wordpress plugin that turns a given keyword into an aff link of your choice all across your wordpress blog. Does anyone know which plugin that is? Thanks.
  11. BeerHat

    [WTB] Need 10 Articles

    On 2 different niches, so 5 articles per niche. Need them rather quickly like a day or 2 at most. PM Me
  12. BeerHat

    Need 6 articles re-written

    3 will be for 200-300 words and 3 will be for 400-500 words. Pm me or post.
  13. BeerHat

    FTC-Advertisers brace for online viral marketing curbs

    Advertisers in the US are bracing themselves for regulatory changes that they fear will curtail their efforts to tap into the fast-growing online social media phenomenon. Revised guidelines on endorsements and testimonials by the Federal Trade Commission, now under review and expected to be...
  14. BeerHat

    WTB: Small Business Related Site Or Domain

    I'm looking to buy a site that falls somewhere into the small business-office supply-printing, etc.. sort of niche. My budget is high, so please no garbage.
  15. BeerHat

    Facebook is 5 years old and...

    still not profitable... read more.
  16. BeerHat

    Need a PHP Programmer for a ...

    scrape job and a database site. Looking for someone who can code cleanly, no templating with smarty and crap like that. Also, knowledge of SEO would definitely help.
  17. BeerHat

    Packing For ASW

    So, with the parties and all, should I take some dress shirts? Not really sure I can party like I used to anyway, us old folks in our early 30's gotta watch how much we drink now. Anyway, I know I don't post as much as I used to and I don't know many of the newer folks here, still looking...
  18. BeerHat

    Need 15 Articles Re-Written

    They're going to be about 300-400 words each. PM me or respond here with a quote.
  19. BeerHat

    Looking For ASW Pass

    Jon was gracious enough to provide me with a coupon code, but by the time I used it, it had reached its limit. If there are any networks out there that would like to hook me up, I can definitely repay by throwing some traffic your way. Or if anyone isn't going and would like to sell me theirs I...
  20. BeerHat

    Spanish Offfers Need Spanish Landing Pages

    Hey advertisers, get a fucking clue. If you are wanting to target a Spanish speaking audience maybe a spanish landing page will help, call me crazy...I'm just sayin. Hispanics are only the largest minority in America and NOBODY has the slightest idea on how to properly market to them. Feel...