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  1. Affiliati

    Wow FUCK the FTC. Wants to tax news aggregators and redistribute funds to newspapers

    EDITORIAL: FTC floats Drudge tax - Washington Times
  2. Affiliati

    Looking for graphic designer for some simple cartoon drawings

    You know those "1 Tip of a flat belly" ads you see everywhere with the cartoon'd up fat chick? Yea I need about 10 different drawings similar to that. I'll provide other examples too. No, these will not be used to sling berries. Will pre-pay 50%. Hit me up if you're interested, should be super...
  3. Affiliati

    Figured some of y'all facebookers might get a kick out of this. facebook ads are weird
  4. Affiliati

    Some affiliates are so damn stupid

    So this retard 1) Jacks my banners and uses them on the same exact traffic source 2) Hotlinks the comment avatars for his lander from my server. Enjoy the spinning dicks on your farticle you dumbass 24+ hours and counting now hahaha.
  5. Affiliati

    Dating Affiliates - Ever get heat from your gf's/wives?

    So my gf isn't too happy with me doing with what she equates as "looking at pictures of girls all day". Anybody ever experienced the same from their girls ?
  6. Affiliati

    WTB Logo Gallery submission service

    Looking to pay somebody to submit my logo to a shit ton of logo directory sites. Anybody out there do this? If so, what are your rates/packages/etc ?
  7. Affiliati

    Fuck the Yahoo partner network

    no way to block these shitty ass sites. no matter how many hundreds i block, more keep popping up. and that's just for 1 campaign. bullshit. i'm done with those cocksuckers
  8. Affiliati

    Thanks everybody

    I'm a bit of a noob, been researching for a couple months now, and just launched my first campaign Friday. It's still pretty early on but after spending about $300 on PPC, it looks like I've already found some winners :-). Just want to thank all you crazy fucks for all the advice I've read on...