Search results

  1. iwodaveh

    Wordpress giving me some problems

    Hi guys, I have been having some sort of an issue with my WordPress installation recently and was hoping that you guys can help me out. Whenever I try to click on any of the J query buttons, nothing happens at all. So in other words if I click on the media button, edit timestamp button, switch...
  2. iwodaveh

    Do servers keep backups of your data?

    So my hosting expired in Jan this year, and since I been blogged down with personal troubles, couldn't renew it. So yesterday when I wanted to get a backup of the data (from hostgator) the rep tells me that since the package has expired, all the data is wiped off. I find that hard to believe...
  3. iwodaveh

    Possible to get sued?

    I was reading the newspaper today and there was an article about how some guy got sued for quitting his job and then posting negative things about the company on FB/twitter. Made me wonder that even though he is no longer employed he is sued for comments on his own personal FB wall, would it be...
  4. iwodaveh

    Anyone come across a forum research tool?

    Just a random thought crossed my head today, what if there was a tool to glance through forums/ specific topics on forums and gather the insightful data. For instance, companies could find out what problems are being faced by consumers and why is it that one product ain't doing so well
  5. iwodaveh

    Nunchucks anyone?

    The title says it all. Anyone do their thing with nunchucks? Was planning on trying something new in the gym or at home, how good is it? Can I seriously injure myself, is it worthwhile to learn, or just a bunch of swinging sticks with a chain in between?
  6. iwodaveh

    Why some $$$ KW's don't show up in google?

    So I was messing around with the Keyword tool of Google and noticed that there are certain very high paying keywords (competition is already very high for these). The problem is when I copy paste that phrase into Google's search box, there are no PPC ads that show up on the RHS/above the fold...
  7. iwodaveh

    Journal-An article directory, can be it used?

    So I finally decided to make this a journal (the main reason I’m doing this is so that I have the motivation I need.. a daily update is a great way to do this) The deal Owned a website for 3 years and never bothered to do anything about it at all. Reason I'm posting about it here is that I have...
  8. iwodaveh

    Running Ubot from online server?

    Hi, Had this question in my mind for a long time. I want to know whether it is possible to run uBot from a server. What I mean is that after we compile the .exe file, I want to be able to run it online. (since I go to work, I cant take the .exe app with me as then it gets detected as a virus...
  9. iwodaveh

    Looking for a WP plugin to pull all social activities

    Im looking for a wp plugin that can pull in all my different activities on youtube, google+, fb, twitter, flicker,instagram, foursquare (or at least as many of them as possible) I found one called Social Media Mashup WordPress Plugin Streams ALL Your Social Activity - but is there any...
  10. iwodaveh

    Excel macro?

    Hey there, I wanted to create a macro in excel such that if I had 2 cells, I want part of the second cell to be copied to the first cell Eg: if I have “34” and “56 A,C,F” on 2 different cells, I want to copy the “A,C,F” to the first cell such that cell 1 becomes “34 A,C,F” instead of just the...
  11. iwodaveh

    Proxy question

    How come if I go to "cmd" and type in ipconfig I get a different IP from what what shows? And what if I want to switch my proxy everytime to run away from Google, how do I go about doing that?
  12. iwodaveh

    Pimping the fb authorization

    Hey guys, I need to use the fb authorization on my site. what i want is as follows: 1. User needs to log in to my site with his fb login 2. once logged in, he get access to another form, where he can type in stuff like educational qualification, name of school (in text boxes) and comments (in a...
  13. iwodaveh

    Need some LP's but have a few questions first

    Ok guys, just got a new job in a company for designs and we need to get some LP's done for our clients (basic stuff). So I had recommended outsourcing them to my boss, and he was ok with the plan, he just had a few questions which I was hoping one of you guys could answer for me. 1. If a...
  14. iwodaveh

    Best psd to css/xhtml converter

    Hey guys, I was wondering what the best automatic converter for psd to css/html is. I am pretty sure that such a software does exist but what wondering whether anyone has used it and what are the reviews of it. Is it good to go ahead and purchase?
  15. iwodaveh

    Holiday Greetings!

    Hey, if you want content, I have it! Spreading a bit of holiday cheer through the internet. Order 5 articles and get 1 absolutely free. Price: $2 per 100 words. PM me.
  16. iwodaveh

    where can i find a software

    Hey Im hoping that some guys might have come across a software that can do the following. Any software (preferably free )that will do an advanced search and replace for text files/.doc files? Basicallly i need the software to be able to search for multiple words/phrases at a time. For instance...
  17. iwodaveh

    Funny Parrot

    funny parrot YouTube - funny bird lol....
  18. iwodaveh

    Good logo designing software?

    Hey since this is the designing section, I wanted to know other than the logo creator, is there any other professional logo creating software which I could buy?
  19. iwodaveh

    how much are you guys losing by making use of PayPal

    now I know that PayPal is very secure and it's probably the best results resource for saving your money online. However, each month I am incurring a loss of more than $ there any Method through which I can make this cost comes down? one is there any other that better website other than...
  20. iwodaveh

    cheapest content writing services available

    Hello, I am new to this forum and would like to offer my content writing services. I would charge $1.5 for every 100 words for a total content order size of upto 1000 words. If the total content is greater than a thousand words, then I would charge $1.1 for every 100 words. All prices are...