Search results

  1. Vadym

    NATHAN IS BACK - HES BACK HES BACK HES BACK WOoooootwoootwootowoot. My favorite show ever - season 3 is up, ep1 was on yesterday. If you don't like Nathan - nobody cares, you're probably some sadsack piece of shit in a basement that doesn't understand comedy anyway, so your comedy opinion is...
  2. Vadym

    Nextscripts sucks cocks in hell. Anyone have a social auto-post plugin?

    Hi, Pretty simple - is a piece of shit run by some Ludfag Van Faggot who'll take your money and then actually have the balls to answer your 3 support tickets, after 72 hours - with a reply of "What are you talking about, you only opened one ticket, let me know if there are any...
  3. Vadym

    Men's interest sites? Some gay webmaster sheit.

    Howdy, Looking for interwebs masters with sites/blogs/social followings in men's interest niches. Not porn - but anything from beards, to making shit out of other shit in your garage because you're a DIY type of person. Maybe porn, but I doubt it would convert better than fleshlights, so I...
  4. Vadym

    Bros dont let bros get eaten by birdbros. I don't know what the fuck he was doing in the last 15 seconds there, but I didn't know squirrels were such bros.
  5. Vadym

    Remember, remember, dat shit in September.

    14 year anniversary of Murika blowing up a bunch of people in some towers - and cocaine going up 10 g's in a week for a brick. [Source: 50 Cent] We will never forget (at least not for another 40-50 years until this is declassified as a "this is too old for us to give a fuck info" by govt) and...
  6. Vadym

    Need Private Loan/Refinancing/Drug rehab/Home security offer

    Hi, I can lead gen. Berry berry goodly. My partner can close on the phone better than that Glen Garry Glenross bitch ever did. We DON'T have an offer we could use these skills with. I'd prefer drug rehab since it would be an easy sell in the Murika of today - but anything that pays well for...
  7. Vadym

    Fish Plays Pokemon

    Twitch It's enjoyable to check in with the little buddy's progress every few hours. Maybe he'll make it out of the starting house this week.
  8. Vadym

    Post the Worst Thread of 2014 any more candidates? points if it's actually worse than this.
  9. Vadym

    Giant-ass hole in the ground in Siberia

    New video of mysterious giant Siberian hole filmed by investigation team inb4 Christians commit mass suicide cuz they think its the end of the world, but it isnt - and we have a much better planet cuz they're all dead.
  10. Vadym

    Python coder plz

    Hai, I need python coder plz. Will pay base per project + % of profits. inb4 odesk - been surfing it for 3 weeks and handed out 3 test projects, its full of phaggots who either disappear for 5 days or give me shit code after 5 days. Thanks.
  11. Vadym


    wut lulwut y is this happening
  12. Vadym

    Please help me improve myself.

    No, I'm kidding. I do want some advices though. As people correctly predicted - Mallorca is going to get old within a month. So next step is mainland Spain. Where does everyone recommend? Needs to be on a beach, and would be nice if the girls could like.. speak English or Russian instead of...
  13. Vadym

    House Of Cards - Season 2

    yaaaaay. trailer: House of Cards - Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix [HD] - YouTube
  14. Vadym

    Any downsides to living in Spain?

    I've been planning on moving to Spain [Mallorca island specifically] in in a few months since Canada is for eskimos, natives and bears and no more. Pros: - tourist island - spanish bitches - UK tourist bitches - no limits fishing - castles - penthouses by the beach w a pool and jacuzzi on roof...
  15. Vadym

    How to speed up search query speed in DB?

    I got my progger to code me a custom db over past few months for me to throw in a load of my data to organize/etc/start scraping more info on them. Now that everything is ready - and data is loaded up, there's new problem. There's 100ms of lines of data, so searching for a single query can take...
  16. Vadym

    i see a lot more casino spam in the past few weeks.

    across all footprint platforms. i wish to see a cryptocurrency movie with Justin Timberlake in it. down with Coinye - up with JTCoins.
  17. Vadym

    When pewep begins writing copy for people..

    I appreciate the social signals put in to the copy, personally. "All the bitches a petco". All of them.
  18. Vadym

    wrzhost is scammer phags

    hai, TLDR; I've been having issues w this host for ages, but its tough finding an offshore host that ISN'T shit, and I had a whole elaborate setup on the servers, so I tried to just mark down the poor customer service as an anxiety-inducing cost of doing business. Anywho, the tldr is the...
  19. Vadym

    Netflicks tip

    I've mentioned this many times to people, so to anyone who doesn't know: If you live outside of America, but want American Netflix which has 39423984239423 more choice and means you can turn off your shitty cable with its shitty 1/3rd commercial times - Just get any VPN service, choose any US...
  20. Vadym

    C+ or Python coder needed for med-longterm.

    Hai, Am dire need of a programmer that is proficient in C+ and/or Python. Will pay by flat fee and % of sales, which will come as soon as apps are done, and where the real monies for the programmer will be. PM or Skype if you think you're easy to work with. I know I am :) Thankya.