Search results

  1. K

    WTB-Scrape & Contact Form blast

    Hello, We are looking to do a blast to "contact us" forms, we are looking to target business sites selling services, product ect. (no forums, affiliate type sites) Ultimately we would like, Scrape of U.S. business listed by category (not mandatory but preferred) Contact form blasts to...
  2. K

    Selling Products through affilaites

    I have been searching for products to sell using my contacts in retail. (7 years advertising national retail chain) I have found a few products that where interesting, but kicking around here the last few weeks I have started thinking about proposing to perspective product owners to use...
  3. K

    Can I request a specifc Affiliate Manager

    I just applied to Hydra, assuming that I get accepted can I ask for a specific affilaite manager. I have read a post a few days listing good and bad AMs would like to put that info to good use if possible.