Search results

  1. Thumoney

    replace text on html page with javascript

    I'm looking for a way to replace all occurrences of "$" with "£" on my html pages using javascript. How could you do this?
  2. Thumoney

    AdWords suckt in 2010 ?

    I just checked out the live stream from [anonymous] on [someone's workshop] where he talked about Internet Marketing trends in 2010. I seemed to have missed the intro, but it was about why AdWords would suck in 2010. Has anybody seen it? What's the reasoning behind that strange statement?
  3. Thumoney

    Solution to wrong AdWords Clickbank Conversion Reporting?

    I'm not sure if this is already known but it seems that the new Clickbank Conversion Tracking to AdWords has some problems: I noticed on the 3 products I used Clickbank Conversion Tracking from AdWords on, that Clickbank is reporting "View of a key page" as a conversion which leads to wrong...
  4. Thumoney

    Discussing Rebills, Google and the implications for AM

    I want to take a look at the current situation with rebills. Those are in general the most popular and best paying offers on the Affiliate Networks. They are in verticals like weight loss, anti-aging and beauty and many others and high traffic keywords like "acai", "resveratrol" and "weight...