Search results

  1. Unique

    InAdCo? Anyone heard of this CPL company?

    I was contacted by one of their reps to place a CPL form on one of my niche websites, but I have never heard of them before. Inadco, Cost Per Lead Advertising The company seems legit enough: Lead Confidential In Brief: Inadco Has anyone had any dealings with them? Seems none of the...
  2. Unique

    Could Affiliate Marketers/Marketing Be Considered a Profession?

    I was just thinking today given the amount of studying, research, testing, constant education updates on new trends etc. would it make sense to consider what we do a Profession? (for those that take it seriously) I mean professional fighters, golfers, gamers, etc. are all outside the norm of...
  3. Unique

    Are tools like SpyFu very accurate for keyword research?

    SpyFu promotes itself as being able to slice keyword research time quickly by typing in competitor information and instantly seeing which keywords have been most profitable for them by looking at how long they've been running ads, CTRs etc. But I've also read that most of the "spy tools" are...
  4. Unique

    Do Form Submits Tend to Convert Better Than Trial Offers?

    I have mostly promoted form submit (Insurance, Zip, etc) that don't require credit cards just from my own experiences feeling uncomfortable giving my credit card to purchase things online (I tend to use paypal) Just wondering (and maybe the Aff. Managers can provide their thoughts) if there...