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  1. D

    Yet another "HELP ME!" Arbi thread...(please?)

    Edit:Thanks for your comments guys. I'm off to do more testing. Link taken down --- Ok, I'm having very bad conversions with this layout: Just 5 clicks out of 18. What's wrong with the layout? This is the layout I followed from another abri campaign here that got 40%-50%! Any idea...
  2. D

    HELP! Received a Cease and Desist EMAIL!

    I received a cease and desist email from this guy which I talked about in my blog post. He gave me 3 days to take down the blog post. Not being able to afford a lawyer, I naturally took the post down. Did he actually have a case against me?
  3. D

    Help With my ARBI layout please!!

    Hello All, After lurking and reading about arbi so much in this forum, I felt it was time to try it out on my own. I really couldn't believe it when some of you guys mentioned getting CTR of 40%-60%. I normally struggle to even hit 5% on my 'normal' blog. I'd be jumping for joy if I can...
  4. D

    Enought already! I'll take you through my pre-launch,launch and post launch.

    Ok. So this might not necessary work. And I might not make any money at all in the process...but what the heck... Here's what I'll be doing. I'll be launching an ebook come April 27th on monetizing articles. In this thread here, I'll be sharing what I'll be doing during the pre-launch, launch...
  5. D

    What makes you join an affiliate program?

    other then the product and salespage itself, what makes you go 'yes i gotta promote this!' on the affiliate page itself? Is it the various tools? Ability to contact owner 1-1? Conversion statistics & proof? --- Dylan