Search results

  1. Etherswift

    Kinect-related domain.. How much do you think this domain (+content - all pages indexed in google, etc) is worth? Also, PM me with offers, if any :) Thanks in advance.
  2. Etherswift

    TV series upped the ante this week

    OK so I dunno what happened this week, but all the TV series that I'm watching were fuckin' awesome, with few of them worth watching solely for their ending, if nothing else Boardwalk Empire: great episode overall, as usual, but the ending was like.. "daaamn, shit just got real" Fringe...
  3. Etherswift

    Excellent article writer - quality inside

    Hello WF folks, Yesterday, I've offered 3 free articles up for review. Two of them have been dispatched to the claimers and as such, you can read their reviews below (thread: PFGannon: DragonR3born The 3rd review will be posted...
  4. Etherswift

    Free Articles - For Now

    Hello folks, I’m gonna keep it short and sweet: I would like to give article writing a try here on wf. Therefore, I’m going to write 3 articles for free to see how / whether I can handle this type of work. Based on the reviews, I’ll decide whether this is for me or I should move on to...
  5. Etherswift

    100 Posts == BOOBS

    SO here I am, 100 (and one) posts later. I couldn't pass this historical milestone without showing my appreciation to the WF community by posting some BOOBS :D Enjoy ! PS: some pictures are large, i was too lazy to resize them; oh well, those with not-so-wide'll probably have to...
  6. Etherswift

    MS AdCenter Ad Preview Tool

    As the title says, the microsoft adcenter was 'upgraded' today with an ad preview tool.. input a keyword and you get an unclickable iframe with the bing search results for that keyword... not a really big deal, but a nice little touch added towards user experience improvement, methinks...
  7. Etherswift

    SubIDs vs. Pixel Tracking

    I'm going to start this post by stating that I'm a complete n00b when it comes to affiliate marketing - I just started to read, learn, assimilate. Just don't hit me too hard :P I'm planning to use Tracking202 as the tracking system for my affiliate campaigns (can't use the self-hosted...