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  1. w4rl0rdx

    Korn Singer Jonathan Davis, Miley and a penis cake

    Korn Singer -- Obama is a Dictator Who Uses Miley Cyrus & Kanye West to Destroy America. Korn Singer -- Obama is a Dictator Who Uses Miley Cyrus & Kanye West to Destroy America |
  2. w4rl0rdx

    Jon Fisher Says theres no Conspiracy / Illuminati, Ke$ha Dissagrees!

    Ke "I'm the leader of the Illuminati" she tells Rolling Stone Magazine - YouTube C'mon folks OBVIOUSLY Ke$ha > Jon. Watch video and discuss.
  3. w4rl0rdx

    Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act - Coming your way!

    Thats right, CISPA is the new SOPA. Watcha gonna do bout it? David Segal: CISPA Is the New SOPA: Help Kill It This Week
  4. w4rl0rdx

    Leave Amber Cole Alone!!

    Leave here alone I say! Just because she likes doing a little *head work* people are looking at her funny. Shes 14 btw. Leave Amber Cole Alone - YouTube
  5. w4rl0rdx

    WTF Steve Wagenheim?!

    I guess "Swaggen" is on squidoo. I don't know if it is his real page but I still thought it was kinda funny. This is his profile and bio swagen has been a member since January 2 2007, has rated 7 lenses, favorited 0, and has created 7 lenses from scratch. swagen...
  6. w4rl0rdx

    Newb with a question about Flippa plz help!

    Basically ive searched high and low on a few different forums, WF BHW and Ed Dales 30dc forums and Even a little bit on Lisa's 2creatawebsite forums and i can't find a definitive answer that pleases me so im asking here. All I want to know is how the :party-smiley-004: do you transfer the...