Search results

  1. C

    P202 Day/Week parting issue

    P202 is reporting my day/week parting incorrectly. Basically it is behind one day. So all my clicks for today (Thursday) show up on Wednesday in my Week parting tab. The same is happening for my day parting. Clicks during 9-10 a.m. would show up during 8-9a.m. on p202. I tried asking on...
  2. C

    How to get impressions on MS?

    Hey all, I'm trying out MS advertising but for some reason they will not give me any impressions whatsoever. The account is brand new and I've never had a MyAds account before. Even if I bid up to $2 CPC I still get a trickle of impressions (maybe 5k a day) when my demo was ~200000. Is there...
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    Networks with good dating offers

    Does anyone know of some networks that carry some good dating offers? I was looking more for niche specific dating offers if anyone knows any networks that carry those.
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    Subid/php tracking question

    I have a page setup, and this is what i have so far my ad url is mywebsite.c om/offer/?sub=1 then on my page i'm trying to have it redirect after a few seconds, and then grab the subid and put it onto the end of my affiliate link so i have.. <?php $sid = $_GET["sub"]; ?> <meta...
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    How do you know when your data is significant?

    I've been trying out facebook ads and I'm not sure when I should cut out my bad ads. How do you decide how many impressions an ad should receive before stopping it? For example right now my demographic has ~30000 with 30 ads. I've heard to usually do a few thousand impressions. But I'm worried...
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    Rotating links

    I'm testing out a new offer that has multiple landing pages. Does anyone know if there is a script I can use to rotate links? Also I would be using an LP not direct linking.
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    Direct linking on google

    If I'm direct linking on google is there anyway to get around the lp quality score? I'm good w/ keyword relevance & lp load time. Or do I just have to make an LP for the offer so my QS isn't shit?
  8. C

    Have you seen this man in your dreams?

    I guess a lot of people have said they've seen him in his dreams, I never had but his face looks pretty creep Ever Dream This Man? HISTORY In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. In...
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    Fake comments on new blog?

    I just made my first blog, and was wondering should I post fake comments to look as though people read it/like my writing? Then maybe respond to answers so I look knowledgeable and helpful?
  10. C

    Should I drop this campaign?

    Hey everyone, I'm trying out dating on FB which I've heard is pretty competitive/hard to enter so I wasn't sure if I should drop my campaign yet. Basically I've gotten 89 clicks to their page but 0 conversion. Do you guys think it's just the dating sites lp is bad so there aren't any...
  11. C

    Am I taking all the necessary precautions for promoting resv?

    Hey all, after this whole Oprah and Dr Oz Acai situation I want to make sure that I'm following all the necessary guidelines when advertising. So I was wondering if anyone who is education in the subject could tell me if I'm doing everything correctly. On my page I don't have any references to...
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    Best way to get organic traffic for my page

    Hi, currently i'm doing a PPC campaign however I would like to try to get some organic traffic to my site as well. I was wondering what would be the best way to traffic to my site? I was wondering if I should just SEO the site for long tail keywords? Also someone was saying that I should write...
  13. C

    adCenter Question

    Does anyone know how reliable the conversion tracking ability is for adcenter? Just wondering because it is showing a totally different ctr% than from tracking202.
  14. C

    help with javascript

    hey everyone i'm pretty new at web building so i don't know much about javascript yet. anyways i have my tracking202 javascript code, and then i have my clickheat javascript code i was just wondering if i have it in correctly because once i added the clickheat java code my tracking stopped...
  15. C

    which web browsers do you check your site with?

    Which web browsers do you check your site with before you go live? Right now i do ff 3.5, IE 8, safari, and chrome. Do you guys use any others such as earlier versions of IE or FF?
  16. C

    critic my landing page

    hey everyone i just made my first landing page promoting resveratrol products and would be very thankful if you guys could critic it -> Untitled Document p.s. i know there isn't a title, and the buttons are unaligned weebly kinda f-ed up my page when i put in the html
  17. C

    Noob looking for some help

    Hey everyone I just joined this site and I've been leArning but I'm still unsure on a few things. I made a webpage with really uncompetetive keywords and I was hoping to primarily make money from google adsense, so I tried to make good unique content. Anyways I am trying to get backlinks so I...