Search results

  1. HardSale

    FDA proposes to regulate electronic cigarettes under less-strict tobacco rules

    FYI for those of you slinging e-cigs. FDA proposes to regulate electronic cigarettes under less-strict tobacco rules
  2. HardSale

    Man on trail for speech. Lets hear how great Europe is again

    The Associated Press: Dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges Shit I'm envious. I wish I could be fighting for my freedom for expressing an opinion. What a great fucking place to live. By this token, 100% of people here would be on trial for one thing or another.
  3. HardSale

    The Chinese. Masters of camouflage or big time pimps?

    I was reading this article about the Chinese military's buildup of long range missiles. Check out the photo of the masterful camo job. Blaring red and white missiles atop green mobile camo launchers with pimp-ass white walls. Pure genius.
  4. HardSale

    ASE Party Showdown! NeverBlue vs ClickBooth

    So after the ASE Dinner that HeavyT put together, I'm sure a lot of people will be heading to one or both of these parties. Who does it best?
  5. HardSale

    State confiscates children because of their names.

    Adolf Hitler's Parents Shouldn't Get Kids Back: Court | NBC Philadelphia Keep giving government bureaucrats more power and things like this are only going to get worse. Once you create laws and bureaucracies, those in power will always find a way to use their power and fight to keep their power.
  6. HardSale

    Happy Independence Day. Thank God for the United States.

    Happy Independence Day. What an incredible day we honor. The day the greatest civilization in the world was created. A civilization who's purpose was to allow and affirm every man's right to live free and to live within his own determination. I humbly thank and honor everyone who as ever...
  7. HardSale

    Google completes new web indexing system called Caffeine.

    Google completes new web indexing system called Caffeine. Time to brush up on your SE2.
  8. HardSale

    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    Who will win the Super Bowl? Colts are a great team and would win on paper but we all know that doesn't mean jack shit. As great as the Colts are, I've never seen a better more boring team with zero personality. Great football to me is about passion. The Saints have personality, play nasty...
  9. HardSale

    How to live to be 100+ (TED Speech)

    How to live to be 100+ Pretty interesting. Basically chill the fuck out and try not to let little shit get to you. Relax and have a glass of vino in the evening while pondering new ways to make monies. Move a little more. Maybe save the $70 and mow the lawn myself. Eat more legumes, seeds...
  10. HardSale

    S hareasale and Lin kshare. Direct Link? Cloak?

    I'm about to throw up some niche sites. Does anyone direct link to s hareasale merchants or should you cloak your referrals? I have several domains I'll be using other than the one I signed up with. Obviously I don't want to spend time and money only to have the fargin merchant in on my...
  11. HardSale

    Which AM at Azoogle knows their shit and makes you cash?

    I'm considering running some campaigns with Azoogle but I don't want to waste any time with some asshat. Who at Azoogle knows their shit and helps their affiliates make cash?
  12. HardSale

    Really nice buns....

    Sometimes a woman's ass is a work of art.
  13. HardSale

    If you like your health insurance can keep it!

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  14. HardSale

    article: How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s Confession

    At Techcrunch... [URL=""]
  15. HardSale

    Affiliate Manager/Network recommendations?

    Finally got all of the legal business taken care of and ready to start hustlin'. If anyone has a great AM you recommend please let me know. Thanks.
  16. HardSale

    Wanted: Black Ink Project

    If anyone has used the "Black Ink Project" program and is now ready to part ways, please let me know.
  17. HardSale

    How important is single or low IP address per domain to you?

    How much importance do you put on having your sites on their own ip address or controlling which sites are on your ip or server? I'd rather use a cheapo shared server while experimenting with various techniques but I don't want to be limited by any goog penalties they may have with other sites...
  18. HardSale

    Everyone welcome Hardsale to the forum.

    Since I can't seem to do anything without some posts under my belt, here is my first. Long story short, I'm here to learn and share whatever I can to get flithy, stinkin rich. I have 10 years experience running a hobby forum with about 1 million posts that I never tried to make money with. I...