Search results

  1. JPJedi

    Automatic post to wp

    I have a website where info is entered and I would like the site to make post to my wordpress blog. Is their a widget or way you all recommend?
  2. JPJedi

    Amazon and Social WP Plugins

    I have a new blog that is actually starting to get views just after being up for about 48 hours. I have just really been focused on getting content on it and start to add the plugins. I have added the all-in-one seo, google sitemap and the analytics. So now I am looking to get the advertising...
  3. JPJedi

    Amazon Associates on multi domains?

    Can you have multiple domains/websites for one Amazon Associates account maiking money?
  4. JPJedi


    I have an eSyndiCat site I am going to start. Do you all recommend any getting stated things with eSyndiCat? Are any of you all making any money with eSyndiCat?
  5. JPJedi

    Wordpress Plugins

    I have a new wordpress blog that I am setting up. I was wondering when setting up the blog what plugins/widgets/other things you all think are a must and as an option.. Like I installed the Google Analytics one. I want to make sure my blog gets off the ground and running good. Thanks
  6. JPJedi

    Advise for a new WordPress site

    I am going to start a new site/blog on a new niche I have found and that I think I can generate some $$ with. I have purchased the domain. I am 99% sure I am going to setup the site as a WordPress site. My question is what are the best plugins to get it up and running? I would like to do...
  7. JPJedi

    Add blog to site as a sub-domain or not?

    I would like to know which is better and why you all think which way is the best to setup a blog section on my site. I am wonder how search engines view it and if their is maybe a standard. I have a website and I am adding a blog/news section (wordpress) to the site. Which way...
  8. JPJedi

    Site 1 year old and want more visitors

    Good Morning Everyone! I have a site that I have where people can download a trial program and try it and can pay to unlock the full version if they like it. The site has been live for about a year now. But I am still having issues with getting generic visitors and any type of visitors. I...
  9. JPJedi

    Need a logo

    I am looking to have a logo done for my company/website/facebook/etc. I guess PM me rates and/or examples. Thanks JPJedi
  10. JPJedi

    Getting the initial traffic

    I have a site I just launched where you can download software from. How are the best ways to buildup generic visitors? The site has been up for 2 months and the only traffic is the paid advertising. Any tricks of the trade???
  11. JPJedi

    Digital Software

    Anyone know of good digital software distributors? Or I have a software I want to sell online as a digital download. Any Services that help with that?
  12. JPJedi

    I need Logo designed

    I need a logo designed for a site's header for me. Respond here or PM with examples and rates. Could have another one with there is a deal for two. JPJedi :bowdown::rasta:
  13. JPJedi vs Wordpress

    So I am starting up a blog and have narrowed my choices down to the following two: Wordpress or If you had to choose which one would you? I do develop daily with and think it might be easier to customize the But I just wanted to know everyone else's...
  14. JPJedi

    Am I being shaken down?

    I am sure we all have looked up domain names that relate to names or even our own personal names. Well I came across a domain that was returning a forbidden message when I went to it. So I sent the contact person on Whois DB an email asking if he knew the domain was returning that and if it...
  15. JPJedi


    Anyone make custom templates for ZenCart? If so what are the rates/prices? Looking to create a templater for - Easy Green Tea Any help would be great.
  16. JPJedi

    Social Networking Software

    Anyone know of some Social Networking Software that can be utilized to create a community based on products? I have looked into HiveLive and Community Server. Anyone know of any others? Also your input on HiveLive and Community Server is welcome as well. JPJEdi
  17. JPJedi

    new site questions

    Ok I just made Easy Green Tea today and uploaded it. I was looking at the site and was thinking of putting a new page up that just had a redirect on it and can I then put my affiliate link for the green tea in that page and just refrence my new page from the hompage? Does that make sense...
  18. JPJedi

    Where to get a Privacy Policy

    I know this a total newb question. I have a few sites and I need to put a general privacy policy up on them to help make them rank better and just a little more professional. Is it possible to get a generic privacy policy done for all the sites or atleast good enough to fill in the blanks...
  19. JPJedi

    Need Logo Designed

    I need a logo designed for a website I am doing. Please PM or post samples, rates and turnaround time. Or if anyone can recommend anyone please post.
  20. JPJedi

    Wow cards

    I am searching for a place I can buy world of warcraft subscription cards for a discount/reduced price. I am looking to include them, give them away, with an offer I am doing so I am looking to get them the cheapest I can.... Any ideas or anyone know someone I might be able to contact. Thanks