Search results

  1. F

    Diet / Fitness CPA offers optimized for smartphones?

    Any one know of any such offers? I've got like 10,000 free clicks a day (iPhone users) that I want to monetize. Unfortunately I can't find ANY diet / fitness email submits that are optimized for display on the iPhone...
  2. F

    FB Inconsistent conversions

    Has anyone ever had this problem? I start running high volume FB traffic (at random times), then the first maybe 10 conversions come in consistently like 1-2 per minute, then there will be a black hole for about 1-2 hours with nothing, the conversions get more spaced out. At first I thought it...
  3. F

    CPM vs CPC on FB

    Yes I know this isn't in the mammoth FB thread but why the hell is it that when I start 2 campaigns, exactly the same, except one CPC and one CPM (both at their suggested bids) that the CPC campaign always kicks ass in CTR over the CPM ads?