Search results

  1. DomboCom

    Password Security with Private Proxies?

    Probably a hurr-durr question, but Googling around didn't help me much... When using a private proxy, is there a potential security threat to logging in to password protected sites, i.e. affiliate networks, email, bank, etc? If so, would being connected through my VPN and using a private proxy...
  2. DomboCom

    $3.99 namecheap transfers Sunday

    Up to 10 domains per account. Sunday 12am - Tuesday 12am EST Code: BYEBYEGD
  3. DomboCom

    Site locking but CPU and Mem OK

    Three times now in the past couple days my site has locked up when I send a lot of traffic to my site. A lot meaning about 200 visitors a minute. The weird thing is that there doesn't seem to be any overloading at all and everything looks stable. RAM and CPU usage appear to be fine. I'm adding...
  4. DomboCom

    Exit Pop Not Loading External Content in IE

    I have a "Click the Cancel Button" type exit pop. When the exit pop loads, the page redirects to an external site, which works fine in FF. In IE I just get a blank page until the Cancel button is clicked. Then it loads. If I use an internal link to a page on the same domain, it loads fine. The...
  5. DomboCom

    Split Testing Spaghetti Sauce

    Came across this video worth watching. Pretty much some fundamentals of direct response marketing and segmenting, but pretty good story. Skip the first minute of bs. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  6. DomboCom

    How Do I Get Form Data to SMS to Me?

    I'm trying to figure out how to get a text when someone fills out my Aweber form, and forward that information to me via text messaging. I figure if my server can send me SMS messages for alerts, there's got to be a way to get those form variables and text them out to me. It'd be be pretty cool...
  7. DomboCom

    get variable to pass through form

    I'm trying to pass keywords through a form. So if my link is httpx:// I want 't202kw' variable to pass through and remain in the link on the next page (after the form is submitted). I think I can add this to my form: <input type="hidden" name="t202kw"...
  8. DomboCom

    add two variables to php header location

    I have a script that is redirecting based off of the $url variable. This works... header("location:".$url);But I need to add my T202 keyword as well, so I added $t202kw = $_GET['t202kw'];and trying to do something like like... header("location:".$url . $t202kw);How can I add that T202kw...
  9. DomboCom

    Stats are lying to me

    I was testing a campaign a couple weeks ago that didn't turn out so well, so I thought. The day I ran this, I had 11,500 clicks and 6 conversions. I paused it and moved on. I was only paying .02/click, so not that big of a loss. Today I went to take another look at the stats to see where things...
  10. DomboCom

    hosting provider's DNS or my own?

    I've been pointing domains to my server's DNS, but I'm thinking that it would be better to point them to my hosting company's DNS instead. They're advising against this though. What do you guys think? I'm thinking in terms of an anonymity standpoint, but are there possible performance issues or...
  11. DomboCom

    What's Your PPV Traffic Setup

    How do you all have your servers set up for PPV and other high traffic campaigns? Do you host your Prosper, sites and images all on the same server? Or are you keeping them separate and putting images on Amazon S3. I just throw it all on the same server, but am sure there are better things I...
  12. DomboCom

    Passing keywords through multiple urls

    This is probably a durr hurr question to you guys, but I'm clueless here. I want to avoid using Tracking202's offer rotator because it seems random and doesn't track which offer is converting. So I need help passing variables through my own offer rotator. I set up individual T202 campaigns...
  13. DomboCom

    redirect based on browser type

    I'm looking for a php script to redirect IE users to one URL and other browsers to another URL. I found this script, but doesn't seem to be working for IE8. <?php //if its MSIE then if ( $name = strstr ( $HTTP_USER_AGENT , "MSIE" ) ) { //it will send to
  14. DomboCom

    geotargeting LP with Tracking202

    I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out something that is probably incredibly simple. When the Tracking202 geo codes have all been uploaded to the database, is there a way to use that information in order to redirect users to different landing pages based on country...
  15. DomboCom

    Is 3 day reponse time from ad rep typical?

    I've been anxious to get my first non-SEO campaign up and running, but the process so far has been brutally slow. I've been working with a rep at an ad network for about 3 weeks, who takes 2-3 days to respond or work for me. It took a week for her to approve my LP, which I can understand, but...
  16. DomboCom

    Crap conversions and inconsistant visitor tracking

    I've tried paying for traffic on a couple ad networks a few times now, and here's the typical scenario: Deposit $100 Traffic Runs to my LP I get roughly 200 clicks on ads, but T202 shows only 50 - 100 visitors Click through to offer is about 5 clicks Try tweaking a couple things and repeat...
  17. DomboCom

    deindexed domain affecting addons?

    I had one of my domains delisted by Google about a month ago and no luck with the reinclusing request yet... but now I'm having trouble getting new sites listed in G. My existing domains don't seem to be affected at all. New content is getting indexed quickly and search results look good. But...