Search results

  1. qqbot

    Creating a deliberately inflammatory website for fun and profit.

    There are a few blue chip lawyers in my family, I can run crying to them for help if need be. One of them sued a huge mining company for some mineral rights we technically inherited a few years ago, despite very lacking documentation. You guys have no idea what I am thinking of. Its not a...
  2. qqbot

    Creating a deliberately inflammatory website for fun and profit.

    So I have this idea for a site that is extremely polarizing, something that people find amusing or really offensive. Nothing illegal, and I won't be pissing anyone off besides tumblerinas and progressive libtard types. I would like to think most other people will find it highly amusing. The...
  3. qqbot

    How to Program Like a Pro: Part One

    This seems like a common question all over the internet, and advice like what I got in university seems to be extremely rare. So I am going to do a series describing the method I learned from a guy who used to be a partner at a big fancy firm and worked on some extremely important things like...
  4. qqbot

    Writing PPC ads.

    So I am just testing things out and have not really done this before, I just threw $50 into 7search and started playing around with CPA offers basically. I read nothing about how to write copy, so I just made my ads into silly jokes. I am getting what seem to be really high CTR's, 8%-14%, but...
  5. qqbot

    seo questions

    How difficult is it to get top 10 serp rankings for keywords depending on how many exact phrase results there are? What i mean is, can i get ranked basic stuff like squidoo and ezinearticles if i am going after long tail keywords that have 70 000 or less competing pages? should i go for...