Search results

  1. S

    Responsive (cross device/platform) HTML5/CSS3 Conversion –

    Note: My demand WILL go up... and so will the price. This is not a service that's easily outsourcable at the level of quality I provide. Get me while you can. If you have any questions you can shoot me an email at or find me on skype( Word.
  2. S

    Responsive Design (making your site work on multiple platforms)

    I was curious on everyone's thoughts on responsive design. For a visual example you can open up my portfolio ( and re-size the width of the window. Notice how the elements shuffle around so the entire site is usable even when the screen is more narrow than the design. Is...
  3. S

    Landing Page Template Pack -

    I've been working on a collection of high quality landing page templates for quiet some time and am finally ready to release them to some other people who can put them to good use. What is LPeasy? LPeasy is a collection of web templates designed specifically for sales and lead generation...