Search results

  1. T

    Doing what you love?

    Watching Steve Jobs' Standford commencement has thrown me into a bit of an existential head fuck this evening with his message about finding what it is you love to do, and spending your life doing it with excellence. It makes me wonder why I'm sitting here, procrastinating responding to an RFP...
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    Networks that let you place your own pixels with no hassle?

    Anybody recommend some CPA networks that allow you to place your own pixel code (such as for a display platform) directly through their interface so you don't have to bother waiting on a rep to place, and potentially screw up, your pixel? I'm not talking about a callback URL, I'm talking about...
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    Lowest payout you've made profitable with display traffic?

    What's the lowest payout you guys have been able to turn into a profitable, scalable, display campaign? Having focused on traffic sources other than display for my affiliate stuff, I'm about to begin a campaign and I'm curious what sort of payout level I should start testing at (yes, obviously...
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    Reverse Image Search - TinEye

    So while looking for images to use with some ads I came across people bitching that, well, people were using their images in their ads. Low and behold someone recommends WTF is TinEye you ask? It is like Google Images, but in reverse. You upload a photo or paste in a URL and hit...
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    What is this called in PHP?

    Not sure what this type of function is called and it is making it impossible for me to Google what I'm trying to accomplish. Let's say I'm doing some PPV on Media Traffic and I can $_GET the target_passthrough variable that is passed through the URL. Depending on how I'm targeting things, it...
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    Double-edged Razors. Are you a man?

    Just got my Merkur 180 in the mail. All I can say is wow, I feel fucking dapper using that thing. And with the badger brush and nice soap and blades my face has never been this fucking smooth or irritated since I hit puberty. Anybody else here rocking a DE blade? What make/model you guys use?
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    PPV Tracking -- What do you use?

    P202? Bevo? Homebrew Script? PPV Network Pixels? (Just for the sake of completeness--don't actually expect people to use this) What do you guys use? I've been tracking things with Bevo and it doesn't work that great for PPV due to lack of fixes/documentation (although its a great platform...
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    Bevo and PPV -- How the hell to set it up correctly?

    Anybody here use Bevo's landing page tracking and lander/offer rotators with PPV traffic through Media Traffic? If so, I would greatly appreciate a brief tutorial on proper setup and implementation. The documentation on there is not at all helpful for that and I have no idea if I'm even close...
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    Resources for Server Setup

    I'm setting up a server for PPV, probably either a cloud solution or a VPS initially. I know plenty about tech stuff in general, but somehow I've managed to entirely miss learning the hardware side of things and how to properly setup and administrate a server. Can anybody point me to any good...
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    Hiding PPV traffiv w/ new window pop?

    How effective is it to hide the source of your traffic (PPV in this instance) by having the user click your creative and popping a new window? Not sure how I'd go about testing this exactly or how to pass through the variables that give the source away (user-agent and not sure what else) to...
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    Hosting for PPV

    Wondering what people use for hosting at different traffic volume levels for their PPV pop-up creatives. So far I've just been direct linking email submits and using the hosted (not self-hosted) Bevo platform for tracking (which Ryan claims can apparently handle over 100k views/day without...
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    PPV traffic for weekend workers

    Anybody know which of the PPV networks are most weekend friendly? Ie. not requiring review of new targets (why the fuck do they need to do that anyway?) that only occurs during weekdays? Destinations I get, but this is seriously hampering my game with my available time. Oh, and tits.
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    How quick to setup a PPV campaign+tracking?

    Trying to do some rough back of the napkin calculations here... How long do you estimate it would take someone with solid photoshop experience, decent web design/coding/computer experience to setup: -Bevo self-hosted (on rackspace cloud) -DirectCPV -A few customized landers for email submits...
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    PPV Tracking Solutions?

    I've been told previously that the 202 suite probably isn't the best bet for PPV traffic, and besides, I can't install it on Dreamhost with my current plan. Are there any other free solutions out there that others use and recommend for managing PPV campaigns? Ideally something with cloaking...
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    What PPV volume can Tracking202 handle?

    Having issues with getting Prosper202 installed on Dreamhost, something about: "The 'partitioning' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '--with-partition' to have it working" In any event, while I'm waiting for them to get back to me, I want to test some PPV stuff with Tracking202...
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    Two stupid Facebook questions and...tits.

    So while I'm not new to PPC by any means, I am new to Facebook PPC. I have two dumb questions that I could not find answered anywhere: 1. In my preview after the body copy it has the little thumbs up and the "Like" link and below that it says "My full name likes this." I feel like the answer...
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    Is Facebook trying to tell us something?

    Is Facebook trying to imply that we are not always completely straightforward when promoting CPA offers?
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    MS Exchange Server Program Recommendations?

    I have a client who I'm doing a web design project for and setting her up with some hosting (yay $100 payout) but she also needs an MS Exchange Server hosting plan. Right now she's already signed up with Godaddy and getting the following: Microsoft Outlook with Mobile (2 GB Total/1 Box)...
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    Azoogle whoring Jonathan Volk = LMAO

    Got this email from Azoogle today. It was a lot prettier but I'm too lazy to take a screenshot so here is the relevant bits: If you bother to click through you land at a cheesy email capture page to access the ebook (which I will NOT be doing thank you very much). Anybody else see this and...
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    Wordpress Link Cloaking Plugin Recos?

    Yes I know there are several out there. What I'm wondering is which free ones are worth using. Right now I use a handcoded PHP redirect page and because I am not great at PHP, I didn't realize that it passed through the referrer from a direct linking campaign I'm doing on AdCenter and my long...