Search results

  1. LemonAden

    Gay = MC^2

    Justin is visiting my establishment again, and when the alcohol starts, video like this starts. Personally, i love eminem, i just dont know this song so i cant sing it but i tried! ADTECH - will be there, i hope y'all r going, cant wait to see some of you guys Aden VIDEO YouTube -...
  2. LemonAden

    New Mp3's - Happy Fuckin Friday

    hey people!! Jut wanted to say that i had a recording session again yesterday, i did 3 'inspirational' songs that are not mine and i worked on my new one called Firefly but its not done yet, probably wont be for a month but its going to be a big production. My last one was Punching Bag and a...
  3. LemonAden

    Fuckin Google!

    so today i noticed this in my acct: heh New! Earn up to $1,000 toward your first newspaper ad campaign in Google Print Ads. Reach new customers with newspaper ads -- the perfect complement to your online campaigns. Easily select newspapers, submit ads, and track your placements all in one...
  4. LemonAden

    Landlord BULLSHIT (long post) - Legal advice?

    When i landed from ASE last week, i had my roommate Amy pick me up at the airport and she was crying. She said that one hour earlier (11pm), she was sleeping and the landlord was pounding on her bedroom window. she opened the door and the landlord was demanding thatour rent checkbounced and...
  5. LemonAden

    My ASE Pix

    Affiliate Summit East Wrap Up | - Gay Affiliate Marketer & Musician This is not all of the photos, i didnt want to cram my blog. I will make a slideshow when i get home. Cant wait to see the rest. PEACE
  6. LemonAden


    and gals.. was a blast meeting you all. had fun last night. we left today for fort laudedale to get some vaca time in. I had so much fun and those of you who i got to connect with, your all amazing. Sorry about the party last night to those who were not 21+, it sucked major a$$. Hope...
  7. LemonAden

    Limo Tonight

    they are picking us up at 830 at intercontinental, its a 10 seater, have room for 3 or 4 more peeps. PM if ya wanna join. This includes a ride after 1 am back to intercontinental.
  8. LemonAden

    Market Leverage Cash Booth

    Market Leverage Cash Booth - WF Exclusive | - Gay Affiliate Marketer & Musician The guys at market leverage rule!
  9. LemonAden

    Meet Market

    amazing. this is my first time to one of these, ,, amazing. all of you WF people who i have met are great. this hotel is great. I met joel comm and shoemoney and it shawn collins. Shawn, thank you for comping Derek and I for the full pass. I dont know how they lost our info but you RULE...
  10. LemonAden

    Hard Rock 10 pm

    just talked to the manager of hard rock, near intercontinental, will be there around 930-10. Pickin up a few people along the waym, if you got ?'s, call laura!! a
  11. LemonAden

    Miami Hyatt Regency

    just giving anyone who might be staying here for ASE. if you have not checked in already, change your reservations. This place is disgusting and they call it 4 star. They dont give refunds once youve checked in, even if youve booked through hotwire, orbitz, etc. They are rude, the rooms...
  12. LemonAden

    Ft Lauderdale to Miami ??

    Anyone else flying into Ft lauderdale? We were gonna rent a car.. but were staying on the beach so decided not to. Anyone know the cheapest/fastest way to get to ft lauderdale to miami. They said the shuttle service is 33 a person. taxi is 80. Whats best option. We are flying in...
  13. LemonAden

    Playing With Phantom

    Anyone else play with phantom cloaker? I experimented on a domain.. generated about 1000 pages and submit them via social bookmarketing progs. im getting major hits but the adsense clicks are SHIT and im talking SHIT like 5 cents, haha I know that this sort of thing is expected with...
  14. LemonAden

    Id templates?

    I remember back in the late 90's there were a shitload of fake id templates floating around the net and i used to make novelty celebrity IDs and sell them on ebay when i was 17. Does anyone know if there are any updated templates that exist? My friend Kaly just got a PVC printer (she works...
  15. LemonAden

    Your Business cards?

    i spilled coffee all over mine so i need to get them reprinted.. Where do you guys go, whats the cheapest for best quality and can do them overnight? Also, if you guys have scans of your cards, or ideas, i dont know what looks good and need to update mine. Ideas?
  16. LemonAden

    How can i spam some fuckhead

    So i used to be a warcraft addict. Im selling my account on ebay most likely and today i was in there and offered out all of my remaining in game gold to people for doing incentivized affiliate offers. Was pretty cool and then some fucker took my gold and didnt complete the offer and then...
  17. LemonAden

    Copeac Party at ASE

    3 friends and i are thinking of renting a limo for the night of the copeac party. Were all stayin at the intercontinental and gonna rent a limo for the night to take us to the party at Mansion. We havent looked at rates yet as we dont know if anyone else wants to get in on it, might be fun...
  18. LemonAden

    wassup guys - Forex or Stock market?

    Ive been so freekin busy i have not had time to post in a few weeks (legal shit been dealin with) so i hope everyone is well and cool, etc. Someone in my family got a large sum of money for an injury that happened to them. They told me that they are fucking around with penny stocks, etc.. I...
  19. LemonAden

    New Song Finished, Check It Out

    Hey peeps, i finished my new track 'punching bag' . its pretty rocking. All paid for with the profits i made from Copeac (thanks copeac)!! . Anyway, i havent been around because i have been working and rehearsing every damn day for a BIG show i am doing this saturday, once that is done, its...
  20. LemonAden

    Paris ordered BACK to jail ;)

    now u can be happy ;) Paris Hilton going back to jail -