Search results

  1. Tireswing

    Yet Another Newbie Journal!

    I've been a member here for a while and I've done a bit of article marketing in the past, with some success. I'm trying to move into more lucrative endeavors and, hence, I'm starting a log here to (a) keep me motivated and (b) to hopefully get some feedback on what I'm doing. Here's...
  2. Tireswing

    Product Matching w/ Datafeeds

    I'm building a price comparison engine which, for now, will only be using nicely formatted XML datafeeds. The feeds lack any sort of universal product identifier (like a Manufacturer code or something) so I have pre-parsing routines that format the product name to something standard. I've been...
  3. Tireswing

    Content Writing, Editing, or Rewrites – Free Review Copies

    WickedFire, I’m capable of delivering high-quality, unique articles to you on a timely basis. Though my experience writing articles for marketing is limited to the past few months, I have been writing a long time. I will happily write on any topic except adult themes. I’m also a...