Search results

  1. K

    No lead gen CPA offers in my niche, where do find?

    I am in the plastic surgery niche so the leads should be extremely valuable, but there are literally NO affiliate networks (at least that I am aware of) that have anything related to the niche. All the website that come in Google for "sale leads, sell plastic surgery leads, plastic surgery lead...
  2. K

    Landing Page Rotatation Script - Having a Hell of a time...

    I am trying to set up a script that rotates between advanced landing pages in prosper 202 and having one hell of a time doing it. What I need is very simple - a script that can rotate between advanced landing pages but also pass along the 'kw=' variable. The 'kw=' variable is essential since I...
  3. K

    Should I use prosper202 or tracking202?

    I am currently using prosper202 and I love it, however having to manually download subids from each affiliate network to record leads is a little bit of a hassle. I read on the p202 forums that Tracking202 updates subids and records leads automatically, which is AWESOME. Tracking202 and...