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    Another Warrior Needs Your Help!

    Please help this successful internet marketer by donating money Michael Oksa Needs Your Help! :rasta:
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    Why does my payment vary from Statistics?

    This is a question in Neverblue's FAQ - "Why does my payment vary from Statistics?" The answer given is: Naturally I could care less if the amount paid was more than what is showing in my stats. But how often do neverblue pay you LESS than what your stats say? I've never actually received a...
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    PM spam

    I just got PM spammed by user "dmorici" who has never made a post here "hey afternoon, contact me at i can do ppc campaigns that will convert and make you look good" :angryfire: ban his ass :2gunsfiring_v1:
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    Best way to set up new Adwords campaign?

    You might have noticed that im not afraid to ask n00b/stupid questions here, even with the high risk of dickrollage. I'd rather learn than be scared to ask. Ok, i've been dabbling in adwords for the past couple of months. At first i had some good results (3 conversions on the first day) but...
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    Neverblue need to know all my sites?

    Why do i have to tell neverblue my sites? If i want to generate links i have to choose a website from the ones i've entered in my account.. should i really be putting my sites in there? :ugone2far: What is the normal practice? Just put one site there and choose it for all offers? :ugone2far...
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    Tracking 202 Pro vs Prosper 202

    Anyone got opinions on making a choice between Tracking 202 Pro and Prosper202? Is it worth paying monthly for tracking202 pro? Just wondering because I see most people talking about using Prosper which I was going to start using but tracking202 pro sounds pretty good.
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    What separates the best from the rest?

    If some of the most succesful affiliate marketers started with almost nothing and built up from there, what is is that made them start earning 4, 5 and then 6 figures per month? Is it the sheer amount of $$ they put into ppc? Knowing how to choose the right offers? Their landing pages? Im...