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  1. L

    scrub or system error?

    I just logged into a network (wont name it) and it showed i had $xxx for the day, i went to the stats and the revenue was now one lead less. I never had this happen but is this an advertiser scrubbing my lead or just a tracking system error?
  2. L

    Content question

    Would it be a good idea to put create a new adwords account just for content since it lowers your account ctr?
  3. L

    $3.75 .com/.net from readywire

    Thought I would share this: Use coupon code MAYSPECIAL. Only valid until 11:59 today. Just ordered 6 domains for $22.50
  4. L

    p202 stopped tracking

    This started yesterday and has continued today. Yesterday, Adwords shows 29 clicks and p202 shows 20. Today adwords has 10, p202 shows 2. I kept the number of clicks low so that I dont throw away money. Anyone ever had this happen? I havent changed anything and have not been sending a lot of...
  5. L

    edit prosper202 cookie

    Im looking through the p202 code and I cant seem to find what I need. Does anyone know the name of the value stored in a prosper202 cookie that tracks the kw? So if I want to change the kw I would do something like: $_COOKIE['keyword'] = newkeyword;
  6. L

    Poll Control tracking

    Anybody know how to track CTR and other variables on poll control since it doesnt allow php? I tried website optimizer but it's saying that Im getting 100% CTR which I know isnt true. I put the conversion code in the theme file btw.