Search results

  1. M

    PPC Affiliate Marketing Journal

    This is going to be my journal on PPC marketing and getting a handle on this whole affiliate marketing biz. It seems keeping a public journal is a good way to get my thoughts together, ask for advice, and (possibly) serve as a guide for future starters (most likely doing opposite what I am!). I...
  2. M

    Offer testing techniques

    I am trying to figure out the best way to test potential niches in the fastest and most cost effective way possible. Has anyone had success testing niches using direct linking? I know google doesn't exactly look kindly upon this practice but it seems like a great way to figure out whether an...
  3. M

    Help a noob out :)

    first an intro: knew about affiliate marketing before but never really researched it till now. I run my own web development firm which has been chugging along nicely so now I want to expand into PPC. Really like the risk-return characteristic of it as it reminds me of trading (used to work in...