Search results


    domains for sell

    If you are interested in any of these email me at some of these i have been sitting on for a long time and need to just get rid of cheap BUY3GET1FREE.COM 2/1/2011 Active - Locked FINDWOWMOBILE.COM 2/1/2011 Active - Locked GOLDIN2MONEY.COM 9/27/2010 Active - Locked...

    Computer Setup Pics

    its been done before on here, but i have mine complete now and the old thread is ..somewhere here is my setup a toshiba satellite laptop with alot of bells and whistles using a 42" as a primary and the laptop screen as secondary. 2 external 2 tb drives, bose companion II, cheap walmart cam...

    Anyone into RC stuff?

    Just wondering if any of guys are into RC stuff i just recently go into it and pretty much hooked lol heres what i have so far

    how to find an affiliate program manager

    I accidentally came into a deal that provided me with over 200k of product. I am thinking affiliate marketing is the best way to move this product. but i do not have the time nor the know how to actually setup monitor and manage the affiliates. i posted a ad in the buy sell trade to try to...

    need an affiliate program manager

    i was just got a new product and i think affiliate sales is the best way to go however i do not have the time or knowledge to setup the system i need someone that has a little time on their hands that can setup the prgram and monitor it. commission or salary based pay is negotiable. ready to...

    looking for something like clickbank that i can use to sell tangible products. this appears to be a descent solution. Anyone have any experience with them? or maybe suggestions of other company that offers the same thing.

    What affiliate network should i sell with

    I have acquired a product that is quite inexpensive but i think it would do very well with affiliate marketing. What network is the largest to go with? Clickbank is huge but they only do digital from what i understand. who is their tangible products counterpart.

    42" monitor, looking for arrangement ideas

    i use a laptop with external keyboard and a 42" monitor the extended desktop is nice. the placement is not easy i have been using this setup for almost a month and tried a number of configurations but not found one that i am happy with yet and there are not alot of store bought solutions for...

    will pay $30 for someone to help me with a few questions about a flash template

    bought a flash template from template monster and cant get a few things figured out 1. server- how the files should be in the directory to make it work 2. text- i figured out how to edit the images and such but i dont see any text on the html fiel or anything if you think you can provide...
  10. HHOTEK


    need someone with email list to provide email mailing service
  11. HHOTEK

    embedding a flash banner

    i just created a flash banner and trying to get it on my website but none of the typical embed codes are work here is the banner banner and my site is php its We Make Things Green | HHO Tek™ Green Technology this has got me quite confused any help would be aweseme
  12. HHOTEK

    need flash designer

    a very simple animation in flash to start. email me
  13. HHOTEK

    Craigslist Poster needed asap

    i need an experienced cl poster send email to
  14. HHOTEK

    Opinions on Press Release companies

    i have looked into a PRWeb which has a nice offering for the price but i cant find any competitors that compare. Is this because prweb is just that much better or is my search just not finding the others? If anyone has any experiences with others id love to hear it. anyone have opinions on...
  15. HHOTEK

    Variety of services needed ASAP

    Need a variety of things 1. CL poster 2. Pr submissions 3. Blog submissions And any other service that will generate quality, interested traffic to my site. I don't know a tremendous amount about traffic generating so I'm open to various techniques. I do not check WF very often so email me...
  16. HHOTEK

    domain acquisition services

    I want to buy domains that are related to my industry. Most of them are owned by other businesses. Is there a service that I can send a list of domains I want and they handle contacting the owners to negotiate pricing?
  17. HHOTEK

    Press Release submission guy needed

    I am looking for a US based individual or company that can get a weekly press published to cnbc,rueters etc. If you can provide this service please email me at I do not get on here much at all so email, not PM. US based only. Able to talk on phone not a 100 % email...
  18. HHOTEK

    Content Writer needed technical niche

    looking for a new content guy. the job is small but steady i need articles every other day. But need to have technical auto knowledge otherwise the research time you invest will not be worthwhile. NEED CONTENT TODAY email
  19. HHOTEK

    no tracking code

    im starting to play around with some aff marketing using clickbank. in my analytics all my data (hops) is listed on the no tracking code line. what does this mean.
  20. HHOTEK

    Bulk email services

    anyone on here provide these services or have any company that they would recommend