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  1. P

    Adsense Q

    I have a wordpress blog for let's say Candles with adsense on it. On the homepage it shows all wordpress ads and other make money type ads. But on the actual posts which I write about Candles it shows the targeted ads. Has this happened to anyone else before? And can someone tell me how to...
  2. P

    Blogspot vs. own domain

    Why wouldn't I just create niche blogs with blogspot if it's free and not buy hosting? I can push adsense on all of these blogs really easy.
  3. P

    My boy at work just showed me this Sports Site

    It's a free sports betting site called Basically they give you money to place sports bets like a quarter and you work with that to get real money. It must be tough to actually get a payout, but if you land a nice parlay then you can make bank. He said he's been betting for a week...