Search results

  1. profitaddiction

    Illinois Affiliate Tax Law

    Haven't seen this posted recently, figured it would be helpful: Illinois Governor Signs Amazon Internet Sales Tax Law - Janet Novack - Taxing Matters - Forbes Legal stuff: Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB3659 Also, either I'm blind or I can't find it: Does this tax ALL sales...
  2. profitaddiction

    Free $100 AdWords Voucher

    Got it in the mail, have no use for it, enjoy! KN87-FQML-4ELB-GTV7-RTN
  3. profitaddiction

    WTB: Image/Logo Design

    I need an image designed. It's 149x124, but I want it to look sleek and professional. I'm thinking 3D at this time. PM me if you need work.
  4. profitaddiction


    Feeling shitty today, so here's some tits. Enjoy! (not tits)
  5. profitaddiction

    I Bet You'll Laugh...

    So I'm getting some on at work and I'm reading the old posts I didn't get around to. I try to get to Amit's newest site, and BAM: I almost lol'ed :)
  6. profitaddiction

    LLC Questions

    I've been looking at establishing an LLC (in Illinois) and have a few questions: 1. Does it matter if I use my home address as the companies? I'm pretty sure that shows mixed interests (not sure if the 'corporate veil' comes into play, but it would make sense) and might not be the best idea...
  7. profitaddiction

    YSM Down?

    Your account is currently unavailable. Please try accessing your account again later. We apologize for any inconvenience. Anybody else?
  8. profitaddiction

    Bluehost: Warning

    Since I originally had my domains hosted with GoDaddy (and p202 doesn't work there) I bought a BlueHost shared server to use for my p202. For about 6 months I haven't really had much trouble (that I know, although there have been numerous bouts of about 5 minutes when it has been down (so I...
  9. profitaddiction

    Tracking: Passing SubID instead of KW

    I know that something like this would work to pass the KW, but if I want to cloak is there a way to pass the click number instead? <? $kw = $_GET['t202kw']; echo "$kw"; ?> Would t202subid (or something) pass the click number instead?
  10. profitaddiction

    Download Product - Help

    Ok didn't really get much response in the first thread so I will try again. This time, I will offer you something up 'front' for any help you may give. Here is the original thread and my issue: I have...
  11. profitaddiction

    Downloadable Product - Actin' a Fool

    I'm trying to get this downloadable product setup and tracking using 202 and here is my issue: If I put a link to the raw affiliate link (not in 202) the download prompt opens immediately (no new window, no popup blocker etc) If I put it into 202 the new link opens a new window and/or gets...
  12. profitaddiction

    LOL @ Facebook

    Ever get an ad approved (that you submitted cuz you thought it would NEVER get through) where the chick had cum all over her face?
  13. profitaddiction

    P202 w/ eCommerce - Viable?

    Has anybody successfully tracked an ecomm store using 202? I can see it being difficult because there are no real "affiliate" URLs, but that's just my thinking. +rep and an internet high five if anybody can help :)
  14. profitaddiction

    How is VPS > Shared Hosting?

    I've been doing a lot of research lately because I'm thinking about finally getting away from GoDaddy (I know, I know) - I started with them over 2 years ago and have had nothing but pleasant experiences with service and customer service, but I'm noticing a few things now that I don't like and...
  15. profitaddiction

    VPS Hosting - Recommended?

    I've been searching lately for a VPS host and found: Slicehost - VPS Hosting - Rates seem competitive, services are on par/better than most competitors. Anybody worked with them and/or recommend anybody else? Thanks :) /titties
  16. profitaddiction

    Copeac + p202

    Every other network I'm with has tracked flawlessly, but I've had consistent problems with Copeac. Does anybody else have issues with subIDs failing to appear/incorrectly appearing in Copeac? If so, do you know what caused it?
  17. profitaddiction

    Best Song Lyrics Ever

    i'm a thug scout nigga sellin thug scout cookies
  18. profitaddiction

    FB Ads Not Working on Blackberry?

    Yesterday I was messing around and I was able to unpause/etc FB Ads from my Bold but today I get "This action could not be completed. Please try again." Anybody else experiencing this? I been researching and tried everything I've read (restart, hard restart, etc etc) +rep to anybody who can help
  19. profitaddiction

    Anybody Use LifeLock?

    I was thinking with all the fraud going on right now and obviously increasing internet fraud, that LifeLock might be a good idea, especially as an affiliate. Is there anybody who uses it and/or has any insight/reviews on it?
  20. profitaddiction

    Designer/Developer: Need Financial Help

    First of all, I've been trolling/posting on this forum for over a year (this is a new account) and this post is NOT asking for a handout. I'm not trying to make this a "woah is me" either, but here's a quick summary: My brother and his wife both work full time and make decent money. However...