Search results

  1. globefrog / Form developer + design

    Hi Guys, I am in need of a "Form Guru". If you know your way around the Get Response platform and are able to customize forms plugging into it reach out and earn some coin! PM me if you are interested with an outline of your experience.
  2. globefrog

    AdParlour Traffic

    Hi Guys, Im just kicking off some tests with Adparlour, has anyone given them a go before? How did it work for you? any discreps etc?
  3. globefrog

    Yahoo Network Media Buy - Exit Clause?

    Hi Guys, Has anyone used a Yahoo network media buy before? Anyway - my query is on what terms your exit clause was - 48hr, 72hr out etc? Im clear on even distribution with them just hard pinning them to an exit plan. Any help appreciated.
  4. globefrog

    Google content image upload problem

    Hi Guys, Need some help here. Got some new creative im testing on Adwords - content network. The artwork is all within spec, animated .gifs but im getting the error "Could not process the image" when I try and upload them. Any ideas?
  5. globefrog

    Have you heard of this Scrub method?

    Hi Everyone, Ive recently come across some strange activity that I have narrowed down to this: When I have a sub id that performs well for about 50 sales, the conversion dramatically drops, typically from about 4% to 1.5%, If I launch a new sub id with the same lander etc, its starts strong...
  6. globefrog

    Need Rep : Facebook MSN Skyscraper Ads

    Hi Everyone, Ive been trying to get a contact for buying some media on the MSN skyscraper adspace below the self serve ads on Facebook. If anyone can help, please let me know. Cheers, Az
  7. globefrog

    Monetizing Facebook Groups Of 1million+

    Hi Guys, Over the past year ive got some viral groups happening on Facebook, one of which has hit over the million member mark. Has anyone had an experience with monetizing large groups? Im just after some general idea's on how to go about it, any success stories etc. Thanks in advance...