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  1. D

    The day Anonymous will become a "terrorist" group

    Lets be clear, when I say Anonymous, I'm talking about the generation/people being revendicative and tired of all the corporate/government bullshit going on, affiliated or not with the "group" Anonymous, but sharing the same idea, not the lulz. Anyway, we all know huge shit are going on behind...
  2. D

    Chinese Ad Resellers On Anti-Google Hunger Strike

    "About 200 employees from 7 Chinese ad reselling companies are protesting outside Google's offices in Shanghai in response to Google terminating their contracts, said Fan Meiyong, a representative for the group. 40 of those have gone on a hunger strike that will last until the group's grievances...
  3. D

    [The more you know] Using fear to make money [thx sarkozy]

    Disclaimer: this isnt a How to, just a little story I wanted to share. Hi all, here's a little summary of how Sarkozy and the french secrets services helped me make mid-end 4 figures past weeks, with little to no cost, using only : - The news and current events in france - People's built-in...