Search results

  1. E

    13 Demo For FaceBook

    Anyone else noticing you can't target 13 age group alone? I keep trying to make my ads targeting 13 only -- and when the ads being created it's saying I'm targeting Women ages 13 and younger .. then when I place the order. It goes to 18-13. Anyone else having this problem?
  2. E

    LPs .. Tables -or- DIVs

    When building my LPs ... do spyders respond better to sites build using nested tables -- or DIVs ... I'm figuring that using a more CSS based website where I can use more standard tags (heading tags, paragraph tags, etc etc) and defining the styles (color, font family, style etc) in a...
  3. E

    Job Offers

    What networks have good job related offers? Not 'Make Money With G' .. Looking for something that will relate to people who are job hunting on the web -- looking for new opportunities .. things of that nature. flames welcome.
  4. E

    fb imp

    hi-- yeah so created some fb ads today for a new niche im running ... initial targeting age split 3years .. and gender. (i.e male 18-21 ... 22-25 etc etc). ads were approved fine ... been running for a little over 2 hours. but barely breaking 3k impressions in any of the demos .. i thought fb...
  5. E

    Finding Placement Sites

    is there anyway to find better placement sites other then googles placement tool?
  6. E


    OK, First of all... I'm a n00bski to everything, only been in the game for about 2 1/2 weeks now. Have made a couple of conversions and been able to track them pretty successfully using t202. I've tweaked my LPs to get the best QS out of google (ftw im using only search right now ...) and I'm...