Search results

  1. fatmoocow

    Delivering Webinars?

    We're about to do a fairly large product launch. It will be a ~2 hour webinar. In the past my bros have used $10 a month for 200 gigs. I really don't like the idea of sending someone off-site though. I've been thinking about building a membership site within our existing...
  2. fatmoocow

    My name .com is in redemption, please help me catch it

    I'm a domain noob, but I've been trying to get my fucking .com for over 10 years and now someone has finally let it go to redemption. It's registered with network solutions. It "expired" about a month ago. So should be out of redemption soon. My understanding is that has the...
  3. fatmoocow

    How do you charge for SEO work?

    My main client who I did a major conversion and site redesign for has a whole lot of hardcore fans. They are starting to contact me about doing site design (wordpress themes really) and SEO. I basically tell those that want themes that a new site design isn't going to bring them any more...
  4. fatmoocow

    Any of you shoot legit videos?

    My client and I are shooting more and more videos for his site. We're doing all right with a basic HD camcorder and cheap lights all dumped into iMovie, but I think long term learning basic technique and upgrading to HDSLR is probably the way to go. Sound has been a huge PITA, given a limited...
  5. fatmoocow

    Great way to slang mutual funds?

    Drive Free. Retire Rich.
  6. fatmoocow

    quick htaccess question

    I'm trying to fix a podcast that is now broken after a site conversion. Somehow itunes has a broken url as the podcast rss url. So I need to 301 redirect it. This is what I'm trying to do: Redirect 301 that doesn't...
  7. fatmoocow

    So my friend is in the process of getting fucked over by a landlord

    Long story short Friend signs a fairly light contract/intent to lease, puts down a deposit, landlord waits around till the last minute to send the lease and HOA covenants which will be included in the lease, then sends the most ridiculous lease document I've ever seen. Far beyond even the...
  8. fatmoocow

    Let's talk about product launches

    Working with a friend who makes really great information products (DVDs, ebooks, etc.) in the fitness relm. Traditionally he has done most of the sales himself through his email lists, his own blog, and his friends who also participate. Margins and commissions are high but volume is no where...
  9. fatmoocow

    htaccess and wordpress help

    Ok, I'm feeling retarded today. I'm converting a friends blog to wordpress. It has retarded urls in this format: url.tld/blog/Keywords+Galore! Once imported they are now: url.tld/blog/keywords-galore/ What I need is wordpress to accept either format because this blog is quite old, has...
  10. fatmoocow

    So all of you are spaming facebook, but who is haxoring facebook?

    I'm seeing more and more of these on my legit account (because my friends are retarded). So on top of the usual aps that spam offers on your friend's walls, I'm getting "event invites" which flow to gift card offers. Even with pretty conservative email settings almost everyone is going to get...
  11. fatmoocow

    What would you do with this domain?

    So I picked up girls bikinis with a dot org. 3600 local searches. What would you throw on there? Pr0n, amazon+overstock+ebay, something else? In case you're not familiar with what we're talking about:
  12. fatmoocow

    How do you evaluate exact match domain value?

    With some research I can pull in a few exact match domains here and there. What do you look for as sort of a minimum search volume, CPC, etc. before a new domain is worth something on it's own without any development. Say you've got an exact match .org that get's 20k searches, CPC of ~$1...
  13. fatmoocow

    Would you sell or buy this and how? v.Automated keyword research

    So I've pasted together and rigged up a bunch of stuff in php largely with the help of the folks here. It basically does your keyword research from start to finish with no input from the user and dumps out the following. keywords CPC local and global search volume number of search results...
  14. fatmoocow

    Convet from proprietary blog to Wordpress

    I've got a friend with a pretty decent PR4 blog. He's getting a thousand+ organic hits daily but his current software can't handle it (someone coded it from scratch a while back). He needs to convert to wordpress and move all of his prior posts over. I assume his current blog is built on php...
  15. fatmoocow

    Automating wordpress installation and config? + a checklist for you

    Thanks to WF I've got most of my shit completely automated. I want to crank out some decent quality wp-zon blogs with the quickness. From what I've seen most of the solutions out there are run by retards. Anyone got a good cloning app or am I going to have to figure out the wp database...
  16. fatmoocow

    Found a nice Cron simulator for firefox

    Brain dead simple way to load a page every so many days/hours/minutes/seconds. Quick and dirty way to run your scrapers from something other than linux or even hit your external webserver. Not particularly robust but it solved a problem for...
  17. fatmoocow

    Solutions for scraping exact match search volume?

    I'm trying to find a clean way to get exact match search volume for evaluating keywords. I'm not advanced enough to manage capcha solving from scratch so I'm hoping to find something in PHP that will get me 90% there. ubot is an option, but then I've got to mess with importing exporting...
  18. fatmoocow

    Curl Proxies and Dreamhost

    Anyone been able to run a proxy through curl with Dreamhost? As soon as I add "curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);" everything fails. Recommended hosts where I can scrape without running into this shit?
  19. fatmoocow

    Fucking Telemarketers

    So for some random reason I'm getting telemarketing calls on my fucking cell now. Both text and calls. Some after midnight. Texts seem to be all from the same IP or blocks of IP with domains listed right in the text.
  20. fatmoocow

    30,0000 twitter followers gone in an instant

    Most likely my nice little script which randomizes tweets across my accounts was the cause. It didn't have enough content so it was probably hitting twitter with blank tweets, throwing up a red flag. Worst part was that my followers where awesome quality. I could get a google wave invite or...