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  1. K

    Guys Why Can't I Get on Facebook?

    I figured this article would give some good laughs over here. Someone sent me this article earlier today. Apparently a lot of people type the keyword "facebook login" into Google to find how to log in to Facebook. They click the first result immediately...and this is what happens. Read the...
  2. K

    New merchant guidelines for direct response marketing

    According to an email sent out by one of my friends merchant providers, there are quite a few changes being made by at least this particular merchant. It seems like they are trying to predict what Visa/MC's new guidelines will end up being. Check it out, I'm reading it now thought I'd let you...
  3. K

    Health and Dental Insurance for Self Employed?

    Seeing as how a lot of us are self employed - I'm wondering what you guys do for insurance? Being in college I'm still able to be under my parents insurance which I am - but I'm trying to get everything in order for when I'm done and will need my own insurance. So who is the best provider of...
  4. K

    Merchant Account Providers?

    As most of you know, myself, TylerL and Rage9 are launching AutoLP. As we near the launch I'm trying to secure what merchant we are going to use. We don't need any high risk merchants because that won't be a problem. I've been talking back and forth with merchant services at my bank but they...
  5. K

    TechCrunch Reports on the Facebook Click Fraud

    I was just finishing reading thru this whole article and I saw a lot of Wickedfire guys commenting on it. However we don't have a discussion about it here yet so I'm making sure everyone sees it - and diggs it to get it viral ;) Facebook Click Fraud Enraging Advertisers
  6. K

    Easy Google Conversion Rate Going Down Slowly?

    I've been running Easy Google for about a week now, which I know isn't a huge amount of time thats why I came here to talk to some of you guys. My conversion rate for the first 4 days was a solid 14% at around $6000 revenue per day. Well the last few days I have noticed a steep decline in...
  7. K

    Graphic design, web design, landing pages, content creation and more

    Katemiah Creations: One-Stop Shopping for All Your Online Business and Marketing Needs! Katemiah Creations, Inc is a company dedicated to offering its customers top-notch web services all in one place. No more running around to several different companies for several different things - we...
  8. K

    IMPORTANT: Check your Copeac Offers

    Hey everyone, myself and several others are having issues with Copeac offers not resolving - everyone quick go check your offers to see if yours are up and get your campaigns shut down.
  9. K

    International Advertising on Facebook?

    Hey guys, I had a quick question. With all of the new facebook traffic going on, I'm trying to run some international campaigns. However the facebook employees that approve ads won't be able to see the campaign if I just put up the normal link. So how would I go about getting an international...
  10. K

    Top 5 necessities?

    Hey guys, I am sure that you have all thought about this question many many times. I'm looking for some input to compile a list of the most important things to an affiliates back end on a network. What are the top 5 things you look for, that are in the affiliates interface that you absolutely...