Search results

  1. tatrasim


    Is anybody going? I'm not hearing much about events lately, have been out of it for a while due to personal issues. Any meetups? Where are you staying?
  2. tatrasim

    Ecom bar codes anybody?

    I need to be able to generate, scan bar codes, update order statuses in the system based on the result, etc... Does anybody use any system like this for ecom? What are the options?
  3. tatrasim

    Laptop and battery life

    Will start flying around a lot soon and my laptop battery sucks now, so I can't get anything done on the plane. Used to hold a charge well but a year+ later doesn't even hold for an hour. I will need it to hold 10+ hours as I have a ton of time to get from west to east coast, 10+ hours back. I...
  4. tatrasim

    Help da bratha out. Advice some mad music that gets you into the grind mode.

    This is basically it, I need to make it or break it right now, need to get back into the grind mode and forget everything else. Been listening to a lot of depressing shit and can't get anywhere with it. Metal, doom, rap, techno, whatever... Something that gets you fucking mad, forget the whole...
  5. tatrasim

    Banks with easy online internationational money transfer

    The odds are that I will be leaving US with the kids, if we can finally discuss and agree on the divorce terms tomorrow. I will still keep my online stuff going, and would like to be able to transfer money from my bank to international account as painless and fast as possible, preferably with...
  6. tatrasim

    One man wolf packs, what gets you going?

    Midlife crisis must have hit me early or not sure what kind of bug bit me, but I am 30, and going through the break up after 7+ years of marriage. Everybody is judging me right now, but I have nobody next to me from my family or even my point of view, so I dont care much. Is all of the america...
  7. tatrasim

    What do you do when you get depressed?

    Been depressed a lot lately... Can't focus, can't get shit done... Don't even know where to start. Not sure if its because I tried quitting smoking, move the schedule or whatever a dozen other reasons I try to come up with. Sure some of you had the same where nothing makes you happy, everything...
  8. tatrasim

    Jonathan Volk Rappin

    Just kidding, but kind of looks like his younger brother. :) YouTube - Pale kid raps fast
  9. tatrasim

    Google, instant and earnings

    Would this be the main reasoning behind google instant? :) Google 3Q earns up 32 pct as online ads strong - Yahoo! Finance
  10. tatrasim

    Google takes on Skype

    Just logged in to my gmail and it has a new "call phone" feature, calling to US and Canada seems to be free and international rates (at least the places I call to) are way cheaper. Did google just decide to take on Skype? Seems like this can be a successful product for Google if Skype doesn't...
  11. tatrasim

    New Google Images

    Anybody else seeing it yet? Looks like bing where you can scroll down, except it looks even cooler. Seems that google finally agreed that bing made something better. :)
  12. tatrasim

    targeting dating offers

    Just curious what age range do you target for dating. This article contradicts my dating offer age settings - Over 55s are most active daters, study finds - Telegraph. :) Does anybody target 60 year old social media users? hehehe
  13. tatrasim

    higher paying offers on adwords?

    I was just searching for higher paying affiliate offers on google. Just curious, why some offers don't seem to have affiliates even though search traffic is allowed? Take "credit report" for example... all of the sites listed are the ones that run affiliate offers. Same for "online movies"...