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  1. rogerrabbit

    How Uber Uses Undercover Passengers to Recruit Drivers From Lyft

    This is Uber's playbook for sabotaging Lyft | The Verge Pretty aggressive (awesome) tactics. What are your thoughts?
  2. rogerrabbit

    AdBlock wants to charge advertisers to let their ads through

    The Internet’s next victim: Advertising - wat discuss!
  3. rogerrabbit

    Hawaiin Tsunami

    In about 2 hours a tsunami is going to hit Hawaii. Anyone else following this shit?
  4. rogerrabbit

    Treadmill Desk on Instructables (Like Turbo's)

    So I get an email from the newsletter. Newest project: Treadmill Desk. Here's the part I find hilarious. Instructables is a site based around community project submissions. This one was done by the CEO big boss man himself. Treadmill Desk I know Turbo didn't completely...
  5. rogerrabbit

    A Flash About What WickedFire is Turning into:

    Care of Something Awful: Best Of The Weekend Web 5 Most of this stuff sounds RIGHT off wicked fire...
  6. rogerrabbit

    St. Patricks Day In Manhattan

    So I'll probably be headed to the city for St. Patricks Day to do the parade with family members. Do any WF members want to get together in Manhattan after the parade for some debauchery??? It's a holiday....based on getting drunk so I figured, why not in good company? :banana_sml:
  7. rogerrabbit

    Rogerrabbit: Useless Cunt (or "Stupid Bitch")

    OK, I'm fucking furious at this point and hope this ranks so this shit doesn't waste any one else's time. So I applied for a merchant account with Accept Pay. This is the American Express branded version of Pay Simple. They're a merchant account provider. Rates are "decent" but their...
  8. rogerrabbit


    I spotted "Circa" in Times Square today and wanted to share the pic:
  9. rogerrabbit

    This Blew My Mind

    GRRR EMBED FAIL Bullets that got to me: There are more honors kids in India, than there are kids in the US. More unique information will be generated this year, than in the past 5,000 years. By 2013 a super computer will be built that exceeds the...
  10. rogerrabbit

    How to Get Cheap Blowjobs Using The Power of the Internet

    So I've been trolling the interwebz for the past hour or so and I've found an exceptional use for it. During my perusing something abrupt has come to my attention. Unlike most of we WickedFire patrons who roll around in limousines and drink champagne all day, there are some broke ass niggas up...
  11. rogerrabbit


    Um....So I'm pretty high and I think WickedFire to have a bump when High thread since we have a drunk thread....
  12. rogerrabbit

    Learning to build Landing Pages

    Hi, I normally use Poll style landing pages on my ppc campaigns but I wanted to start learning how to build like gateway style landing pages for offers other then email submits. In addition to this I want to be able to use my design ability to sell landing page design services (more of a long...