Search results

  1. D

    Need Programmer AND Designer Full time

    Looking for a programmer that knows php and additionally im looking for a second person that's a good website designer. We have an office in LA and an office in Manhattan, if you live in either one will work. Please pm me if interested. Tx
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    My Suggestion For Where To Go After Rebills, and a question about adwords

    Being a stubborn fuck I am not entirely convinced that I want to give up on rebills, but as most of us already know it really is becoming more and more going against the current. So I'll give you guys my idea of what is a good use of our awesome marketing knowledge. Obviously if you were...
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    Equal or more leads on second offer.. are they scrubbing

    On some traffic offers I've been getting more leads coming from the second offer (diet usually). Sometimes it's the same but it happens a lot that there's more. So what I wanted to hear other opinions is what happens in these cases, am I getting scrubbed or can it be that it really is just not...
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    Multivariate testing software for pop tracking?

    I've been doing my research on multivariate software to optimize landers. but ive ran into all kinds of problems. from what i have there are some major issues: Google optimizer: testing as an affiliate is a nightmare since they don't allow multi domain tracking. visual website optimizer: it...
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    dynamically insert the words on hyperlinks

    Just wondering if there's a way to dynamically change the hyperlink text. So let's say I have 2 offers I am rotating in one link: OFFERNAME1 OFFERNAME2 So what I want to do is instead of showing "Click Here For Offer" Would be to show: "Click Here for OFFERNAME1" and then "Click Here for...
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    How To Create Image Tracking Pixel

    I have a tracking code that's for this visual website optimizer software. The code is something like this: <script type='text/javascript'> var _vis_opt_account_id = 3464; var _vis_opt_protocol = (('https:' == document.location.protocol) ? 'https://' : 'http://'); document.write('<s' + 'cript...
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    Haven't gotten paid by CX

    They owe me 37k since december, and they're claiming that my traffic is fraudulent all of a sudden, but I've ran with them an other networks from the same traffic source and I've never had any problems with anyone else. I was running ACAI with Cx and another network for colon step 2, and my...
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    Need Pixel Created

    I am looking to hire someone that will create a pixel for me. My apologies if this isn't posted to the right section. I have a code that I need to place in the offer thank you page. The offer isn't mine and they can't edit the html. They can only place pixels through the offers hitpath pixel...
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    multiple credit cards

    im trying to figure out how to get multiple credit cards. i've heard you can get unlimited CC's with different names and different addresses. But so far it's asking me for a social for each and im limited to 5. Any help how this can be done? thx.
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    need the design for a collegehumor type site

    Need a site with lots of sections very similar to I want it to look just as professional and i want it to be just as easily to edit any of it since it will require daily updates. Need a designer with some serious skills. You don't have to make it from scratch as I think...
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    need help finding this php script

    hey im trying to find a script that will update comment dates automatically as to keep them in yesterday's and today's date all the time.. can anyone point me in the right direction where I could find something like that. here are some tits...
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    For the life of me i can't fix this fucking header

    I don't know how i ended up with a fucked up header but I saw it on Internet explorer and it has an extra break that looks horrible. I have racked my brain for literally two days now and have not been able to find the solution for this. i figured this should be an easy fix for a code expert...
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    how to cloak my redirect links

    hey guys, i can't figure this out, i have the filename for the offer that goes like: where php is a redirect script from 202, my problem is that shit is very visible for networks to see and i am trying to prevent my new landers to be stolen by network owners or...
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    Hosting issues... am i using unnecesarry bandwidth

    I've pretty much crashed every server i had in the past 3 days, because i brought in too much traffic. I'm not sure if im doing something wrong because i've used up 100 gb of bandwidth in 3 days, and the thing is it's not a fancy page it's just a simple html page with some text and images, and...
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    tracking not working, but media buy's cooking

    hey guys, I thought i'd post this cause i always get good ideas from posting random shit here. I'm doing a media buy and im spending like a motherfucker, and it's getting some leads but not that many, so i need to optimize stat! the problem is that I can't track this shit. I don't know what...
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    aweber replacement

    aweber is fucking complaining about my leads even though theyre fully legit because the retards sign up and then forget they signed up. Do you guys recommend any aweber replacements?
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    lowering search bids?

    Hey guys, I've been running profitable campaigns on obscure keywords in google search for a while but as I'm targeting more competitive keywords i find myself in a dilemma where I wanted to see what you guys thought. If i start on obscure keywords then the bid doesn't necesarily go to...
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    split testing software

    I've been using google optimizer to test lp's but now that I'm using it to promote something on a different domain, the thing becomes useless. I was wondering if you guys know of a good split testing software that's self hosted and it uses cookies to show visitor's the same lp over and over...
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    Tracking landing pages for affiliates

    I had been previously using google optimizer but for affiliates it simply doesn't work to split test landing pages. I wanted to see if you guys knew any good split testing software, preferably that I could host on my own servers. I'm looking for something a bit more robust than t202 btw, any...
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    Hiring People To Manage Some Of Your Campaigns

    So lately Ive had so much shit in my plate it's getting harder to keep track of it all. I have so many ways I could be making money but I'm staying focused on the main, most profitable channels. However, I do have one employee (who's a close relative), and I've considered the posibility of...